טופ איכילוב в Tel Aviv-Yafo

Израильטופ איכילוב



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ул. Вайцман 14, 18-ый этаж, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
контакты телефон: +972 3-762-1629
Веб-сайт: www.topichilov.com
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 32.081258, Longitude: 34.7899923

Комментарии 5

  • Елена Колганова

    Елена Колганова


    Our grandmother is 87 years old. She has been suffering from high blood pressure for many years. In the last 2 years, after the start of the pandemic, her blood pressure generally began to jump sharply - maybe because of all these experiences. Her usual medicines did not help, and we were afraid to take her to the clinic because of the covid. We decided to try telemedicine. Since it became possible to be treated remotely in a good place, we turned to a foreign clinic. We chose Israel, because. heard a lot of good things about Israeli doctors. The first clinic we turned to was Top Ichilov. They answered us in an hour and a half. The doctor called, asked to send all the test results that we have, and the results of pressure measurements. Some tests were already old, and they were asked to take them again. We did these tests at home in a paid laboratory - a nurse came, took blood, and got the result the next day. After that we had an appointment with a cardiologist. As a result, 4 days passed from the day of the appeal to the consultation. The consultation went off without a hitch. It was convenient, because. my brother was also able to talk to the doctor (brother lives in Chelyabinsk). The problem was only with the zoom setting, I had never used it before. It took me an hour to figure it out, but in the end I did it. In addition to the doctor, there was also an interpreter Zhenya, because. The Israeli doctor did not speak Russian. The conversation is busy 53 minutes. The doctor asked my grandmother in great detail about everything. I was touched by how patiently he listened to her. She is already in years, speaks for a long time and, frankly, not always on the topic.) As a result, we corrected the treatment program, prescribed a new medicine, and the dosage of the old ones was changed. They sent a prescription and we bought the medicine from our pharmacy. Grandmother has been treated according to the new scheme for 2 weeks now, and her blood pressure has almost returned to normal.

  • Арина Иншина

    Арина Иншина


    When I started having some strange bleeding between periods, my gynecologist found my cervix erosion. She has written me some candles, but said it is usually passes itself. But I have not passed anything by itself, but only became worse. In the end I went to the hospital with bleeding and the diagnosis I was finally delivered. I turned out to be cervical cancer stage 2. I was scared that my house will not cure. Then I had an idea, and about foreign countries. I wrote once in five hospitals in Israel, the fastest answer to the Top Ichilov. The pandemic was in full swing, the boundaries were, you might say, half closed. But, since I was diagnosed with Cancer, the guys from Top Ichilov made me permission to travel from the Ministry of Health of Israel. I'm glad you asked them. The most I did not have to do almost nothing. I was met at the airport wonderful driver Sasha. He took me to the studio apartment, where I passed the quarantine. The guys even brought me food while I was in quarantine. After quarantine, I finally led to Professor Dana Grisaro. Very nice people and the best experts in Israel for cervical cancer. During the inspection Natasha was with me, she was translating. Professor appointed me a PET-CT and other checks. The diagnosis was confirmed, and 2 days later I was operated. The operation was made professor Grisaro. Uterus had to be removed. I do not know how I would have coped if it was not the girl of Top Ichilov. They came to the hospital every day, asked what I wanted, they brought all sorts of delicious things, fruit. The overall impression of the hospital - excellent. The purity of the ideal, almost sterile. The staff is very attentive and professional. The only problem - it is impossible to relax because rounds and checks begin early in the morning. But perhaps that's why she and the hospital ... In total, I spent almost a month in Israel - along with the quarantine. The country is like - green, cozy, people are very friendly to the Russian. Very many speak in Russian, I did not expect. When he left, I felt almost normal. Now a year has passed, the cancer has not returned. I really hope that all the bad things behind.

  • Анастасия Кузьмина

    Анастасия Кузьмина


    I have been diagnosed with ovarian cancer for 4 years. She underwent surgery and chemotherapy. She achieved remission. Then a pandemic began. In the spring of 2021, I felt worse. I pulled it for a long time, did not go to the dispensary - I was afraid, although I got vaccinated. Then I realized that there was nothing to wait - it would only get worse with the epidemic. In the fall I went to the oncologist - I barely managed to make an appointment. The queues are huge. Has passed the tests. I had to go to the oncologist again. Honestly, it was scary that if I fell ill with covid, I would no longer survive it. A friend advised me to telemedicine. I started inquiring about remote consultations at major Russian cancer centers, but I quickly realized what health it takes to overcome all this bureaucracy. When I was looking for telemedicine services, I came across the Top Ichilov website. This clinic is located in Israel. Getting there for a consultation turned out to be quite easy, and the price was reasonable. I sent them all my test results, and the doctor called me right away - about half an hour later. He offered me a consultation with an oncologist on any day convenient for me. We agreed that the consultation will take place in 2 days. At the same time, I didn't even have to leave the house, because they were satisfied with the quality of my analyzes. The consultation was via Skype. I spoke with Dr. Irina Stefanski. During the 2 days that I had before the consultation, I looked up information about it on the Internet. I saw that this is a really experienced doctor. The big plus was that she speaks Russian. The consultation lasted 57 minutes. In the first minutes, the connection was a little junk, but then everything worked out. Dr. Irina studied all my test results in advance. She asked me in great detail how I feel, how I felt before, when I was treated. Then she prescribed me a chemotherapy protocol, which is practically not used in Russia now, because there are no these drugs. Medicines were later sent to me from Israel, and now they are dripping in our city, in a paid clinic. It is too early to talk about remission, but I hope for the best.

  • Найля Диденко

    Найля Диденко


    Our dad is 73 years old. 5 years ago he was diagnosed with prostate cancer and underwent treatment. Since then I went to our local oncological dispensary for check-ups, everything was fine. But in the last couple of years, PSA has started to rise. The oncologist, to whom he went all the time, said that he had to wait a little longer and observe. We began to observe - and then the coronavirus. At first, we were afraid to let Dad go to the dispensary so that he would not get infected there. Finally we got out once, but we got on some other, not our doctor. We didn't understand what was happening anyway, and after meeting with him everything became even more incomprehensible. My brother offered to examine my dad abroad. Chosen to Israel. Then it was still possible to fly there. Dad was vaccinated and began to prepare for the trip. But then in Russia the incidence began to grow, and they stopped letting us into Israel. We didn't know what to do. Then one woman at my work advised me to look for advice online. So we went to Top Ichilov. We chose them because they promised to do everything quickly. We wrote to Israel - and within 2 hours Dr. Inna spoke to us. She looked at our documents and said what other tests needed to be done. We did everything in a private clinic in 4 days. Our analyzes of the Israeli doctors were fine. The very next day we were scheduled to consult with Professor Mabjis. The professor speaks only Hebrew, so they gave us an interpreter - Zhenya. By the way, they didn't take extra money for the transfer. We all spoke on skype. Skype went out once, and we were very worried. But the Israelis quickly re-established contact. This, perhaps, was the only negative. The professor explained the situation to us in detail. In his opinion, it was not critical and the treatment could still wait. We agreed that we will contact him in six months and before that we will do the tests again. We calmed down, and most importantly, dad began to feel calmer.




    They Saved my life!

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