בייבי ליס מלון יולדות в תל אביב-יפו

Израильבייבי ליס מלון יולדות


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14, וייצמן, תל אביב-יפו, IL Israel
контакты телефон: +972 3-777-0000
Веб-сайт: www.babylis.co.il
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Latitude: 32.0814793, Longitude: 34.7900159

Комментарии 5

  • Avi Jager

    Avi Jager


    Coming here after the birth of our first child was the best decision we could have made. Other than the amazing service, facilities, food and location, the place offers valuable assistance and guidance critical for new parents. The best way to start your journey as parents.

  • Mickey Amichai

    Mickey Amichai


    I really feel that I cannot recommend this place enough, but I will do my best. My wife and I spent two days here after the birth of our first daughter. We paid for a standard room but got upgraded to a suite, which, as I understand, means that we also had an excellent couch in the room. The rooms themselves are very comfortable and include a nursing chair for the mother. When you come into the room, you will be amazed by the number of presents and gift vouchers placed around the room. The food in the hotel is fantastic. Each meal is usually quite large, including multiple portions, all presented as if made in a high-scale chef restaurant. My wife and I enjoyed every single of the six meals we ate there. The hotel has its own תינוקיה and an entire staff of competent and helpful nurses that besides calling the room if there are any necessary checks that they need to perform on the baby, will be able to help the new mother with any medical issue she may have post-birth and are happy to answer any questions in general. The תינוקיה also includes a comfortable nursing room, and you may leave your baby in the תינוקיה itself under the nurse's watchful eye. There are also nursing advisors to help out the mothers and a daily class on how to take care of a newborn in the hotel lobby. In short, the hotel provides an amazingly comfortable and relaxing atmosphere in which to spend the first days after birth to bond with your spouse and spend time with your newborn.

  • suny lotan

    suny lotan


    Very good experience

  • Jérémy Skornik

    Jérémy Skornik


    The honest review of baby liss hotel Let’s start with positive points. The room was very clean, and they even offer a welcoming basket with useful stuff to take care of your new born, including diapers, creams and small gifts. The first meal was awesome, very generous, and tasty. The nurses are very helpful with your baby, nothing to complain about in this matter. Let’s now proceed with the issues. The meal for Shabbat was an absolute nightmare. Everything came in small quantities, and the taste was horrible (please see attached picture for two person meal). This Shabbat was the first we spent as a family, and was even more special as it was Shabbat tchuva, the most important Shabbat of the year. You should be aware that you shouldn’t complain because the staff is not helpful and even get mad when you insist. You can even hear them say in Hebrew to each other that they cannot deal with this kind of customers (yes. I am not joking about that, then hanging up the phone without notice to transfer you to someone else). Let me remind you that a night in this hotel is minimum 2000 nis (500euros!!), and for this price you have the right to remain silent. When we threaten to leave in the morning without spending the second night, the front desk tried to retain us by lying about the doctors hours. It came as a surprise to us (nobody told us about that) that even if we already got authorization from the hospital to go home, you need an other authorization. So they told us that we need to be at the doctor’s office in ten minutes (very convenient when you have a new born that was awake all night, and finally asleep along it’s mother that was finally getting some rest) to check up mother’s condition. When we finally spoke to a manager, it appeared that it was finally possible to get an appointment in the afternoon, but they didn’t say so because “it was not convenient, you see you need to check out before 12:00, and the doctor could not come back before 12:00”. This is a total joke, and illustrate perfectly how shady the front desk is operating this hotel. When you argue, they tell you that you never asked for more food (we did, even if the food was horrible, and we received a small portion of lasagna to share that was probably from a frozen dish). They don’t want to find any compromise, and when we mentioned that we had to order food from a restaurant, costing us 300shekels, they finally offered to wave the 250 shekels cost for extra people (only for one night, they didn’t offered to wave it for the two nights). As a conclusion, we do not recommend to anyone, family, friends, or any readers of this review, to stay at this place. With the same budget, you can hire a real nurse at home to spend the night taking care of your baby, and even dining in the most expensive restaurant in the city.

  • Brian Patton

    Brian Patton


    Stayed here a couple nights after having our daughter, and loved the space, the time together, the meals, and the nursery.

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