Teatraot Eilat i Eilat

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IsraelTeatraot Eilat


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1, Sderot HaTmarim, Eilat, Be'er Sheva, IL Israel
kontakter telefon: +972 8-637-3177
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Latitude: 29.5551805, Longitude: 34.9536843

kommentar 5

  • en

    Regev May


    Not very nice place Not a good locaiton Small screen Bery bad audio The chars was no so good It look like a place sttate from the 80s On the up side the popcoren was ok

  • Eyal Harush

    Eyal Harush


    Not like you have any alternatives though

  • en

    Mimi Delasalle


    This theater is really fun to see a blockbuster - the big theater is grand enough to make it feel like a special occasion! The staff is very nice and the ladies rooms are clean and classy looking. If you are new to Israeli movie theaters, heads up - if there is a brief pause in the middle of the film, it's not broken.. it is intermission! Take a moment to laugh at the awkward spot they stopped the film, and then take a tinkle (or whatever). Have fun, enjoy the movie!

  • Dror Ben David

    Dror Ben David


    Small and rather neglected place. Not recommended (As of late 2017)

  • Haggai Eran

    Haggai Eran


    This is an old-school movie theater, with an intermission in the middle of the movie. We were a little late to the movie and saw a huge line before the box office. Luckily they started playing about half an hour after the published time, so we got to see everything.

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