פיצה האט אופקים i Ofakim

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Israelפיצה האט אופקים



🕗 åbningstider

14, Sderot Yahadut Drom Afrika, Ofakim, Be'er Sheva, IL Israel
kontakter telefon: +972 1-700-506-070
internet side: www.pizzahut.co.il
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 31.3151719, Longitude: 34.6238077

kommentar 5

  • ליאור קיפניס

    ליאור קיפניס


    When they opened the branch, they went up to the house like in any other city and really set a high standard for the rest of the businesses in Ofakim. But unfortunately very quickly it has become like any business that both charges shipping fees and also expects them to come down and wait for the courier out as if shipping is free and doing us a favor. But Walla the last invitation from the city was the highlight! The messenger tells me go down I'm out ... I told him he has an exact address with an apartment number and an explanation that it is a right building and not a left one. Going up to the house he opened the door for me without knocking at all and really burst out shouting at me inside the house why are you talking like that! Where did we get to?

  • דניאל



    Delicious pizza, prompt and courteous service

  • Naor Sharabi

    Naor Sharabi


    The pizza is delicious, all around not, from the order to the delivery that arrives after an hour

  • יעקב יוסופוב

    יעקב יוסופוב


    (Family) pizza really greasy, and not special and really happened 85 NIS for two toppings

  • קאסנש הגוס

    קאסנש הגוס


    I ordered 2 pizzas, one cheesy crust and the other a thick pizza with no toppings and drinks. The cute messenger came to me with just one pizza, a thick pizza with no toppings. I told him I ordered 2 and he just decided to bring a completely different pizza from the one I ordered without checking and without anything! And the pizza came with her hair !! Treatment on the face what is certain I will not order from you anymore.

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