Post Office i Ganei Tikva

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IsraelPost Office


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20, HaCarmel Street, Ganei Tikva, Petach Tikva, IL Israel
kontakter telefon: +972 3-736-2613
internet side:
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Latitude: 32.0589483, Longitude: 34.8801555

kommentar 5

  • Danny Nahmias

    Danny Nahmias


    Very slow, limited operating hours. Yesterday I arrived and there was a closed sign. Of course during business hours. With an apology

  • Alexander E.

    Alexander E.


    There is no queue in the morning, kind workers

  • Ronnie S.

    Ronnie S.


    The service level of this branch is terrible !!!! They are not open or closed during the published hours, never answer a phone! And you always have to pester the shops to ask if they are open, the employee attitude is shameful, and there is no one to talk to. Third World!!! No more words !!

  • Guy Zilberman

    Guy Zilberman


    Very weak in service consciousness. Many times does not open in time .. Today, November 23, 2019 is scheduled to open at 8 am and it is now 8:25 am and still closed ..... shame

  • Itsik Noy

    Itsik Noy


    A charming Charedi neighborhood, located on the site is the Beit Midrash of the Admor of Sasov, son of the righteous Rabbi Chanania Yiftach Lipa, founder of Yismach Moshe The Lithuanian community is led by Rabbi Menachem Aryeh Schlesinger, author of the book The famous "ZL triangle" and many more. Rabbi of Ganei Tikva is the Gaon Rabbi Yechiel Barzilai shlita.

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