מרפאת חיוכים שדרות i Sderot

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Israelמרפאת חיוכים שדרות



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21, Hertsel Street, 8711067, Sderot, Ashkelon, IL Israel
kontakter telefon: +972 77-700-8553
internet side: www.hiyuhim.net
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 31.5242513, Longitude: 34.5935055

kommentar 5

  • קובי יצחקי

    קובי יצחקי


    Very professional and gives a pleasant feeling

  • ויקטוריה לנגשטיין

    ויקטוריה לנגשטיין


    I had an unpleasant experience in this place. They really wanted to "push me" their coatings. 1700 NIS per tooth. Instead of a blockage, I had a tooth sharpened for this coating without my consent, real. In a sense, there was an attempt to paint an expensive treatment outside of the insurance company policy through which I came. I posted a negative response here and then got phone calls with threats, it's not funny. People, beware of them, I also see that there is their response here about my insurance, so my insurance is valid and thank God I am missing nothing except a reliable dentist.

  • יוסי אליהו

    יוסי אליהו


    I was at 2/2 a lovely medic

  • Taly Swissa

    Taly Swissa


    Sharing my good experience from Dr. Anna's excellent treatment from Smile Clinic: Excellent Doctor! Stunning, courteous, very professional, from the opinion to the execution and accompaniment, I go through a series of treatments and she always treats at the height of sensitive and delicate professionalism, always with a smile, and above all - human and cordial ♥ ️ I came with traumas from previous dental treatments and she changed everything I experienced From dentists .. And in general the entire clinic staff is kind, humane, cordial and pleasant, Not just the clinic is called smiles :) Highly recommend !!

  • אורנה רדאי

    אורנה רדאי


    When professionalism meets humanity, the sky is the limit !!! From the moment I set foot in a smile clinic, I never stop smiling !!! Why am I smiling you ask? There are two answers to this question. A. I got well-groomed, bright and straight teeth which boosted my self-confidence. B. The smile is the crooked line for a straight connection !!! When I smile I feel I am conquering. A lot of people want my closeness and my company. Looking good and aesthetically pleasing makes us good both personally and socially. Highly recommend a mouth full of smiles to this elusive clinic. Thank you to Shosh, the director of the clinic, for the warm treatment and to the wonderful Dr. Itai who does an amazing job !!! And also a lovely man. Feeling fun Try and you will not regret it.

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