Mizrahi-Tefahot i Ramla

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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16, Dani Mas Street, Ramla, Ramla, IL Israel
kontakter telefon: +972 76-804-0320
internet side: www.mizrahi-tefahot.co.il
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Latitude: 31.9280905, Longitude: 34.8658508

kommentar 5

  • אלחנן מעטוף

    אלחנן מעטוף


    Severe parking shortage

  • מור בוקובזה

    מור בוקובזה


    Unfortunately the rabbi does not really feel like a bank, although everything is beautiful and new, but other than that I do not recommend I have 3 accounts in this branch and I intend to leave with everyone and it probably will not be in Mizrahi Tefahot either. Proper disclosure in life I have not responded to in these places

  • אילנה סייהו

    אילנה סייהו


    Unfortunately the rabbi is trying to get them back on the phone or waiting for him to answer and there is no voice and no answer

  • Доброжир Вселенский

    Доброжир Вселенский


    There is simply no service. A cashier does not know her role. ATM does not work all the time. And even at the box office it is impossible to withdraw. And they say that's what it is .... totally disgusting

  • אבי דדוש

    אבי דדוש


    Crowded and uncomfortable will soon move to a more comfortable place

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