אחוזת אסיינדה ביער i Ma'alot-Tarshiha

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Israelאחוזת אסיינדה ביער



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Ma'alot-Tarshiha, Israel
kontakter telefon: +972 73-313-3181
internet side: www.c-hotels.co.il
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 33.0077098, Longitude: 35.2773323

kommentar 5

  • aviad kasnett

    aviad kasnett


    Incredible food!!🤤 Great service, Room for kids to play outside, Lots of activities, pool is cold but it's great on a hot day☀️🏊‍♂️ Over all amazing hotel to stay at, highly recommend!👌

  • shabtai beniamin

    shabtai beniamin


    We came to stay for a weekend, this is the fifth time there, a large clean room that has undergone a thorough renovation, courteous and fast service of the hotel staff, the location is excellent in the heart of a lovely grove. Large free parking, large dining room, large and varied selection of good and tasty dishes, in the evening there was activity for guests and during the day for children. Recommended place for a weekend rest. We'll be back again.

  • Lior Iluz

    Lior Iluz


    Surprisingly, a great place. Even the older rooms are still good. Yes, some facilities are not modern or well maintained but the service is so welcoming, it makes up for it. Great atmosphere, nice food and not too noisy type of guests.

  • Alon Fishman

    Alon Fishman


    Great atmosphere for family vacation. Good: setting & gardens. Moderate: rooms

  • Vittorio Eurorecords

    Vittorio Eurorecords


    Beautiful hotel and nature around! Very good musical performances for all languages. Nice food.

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