Hotel Leonardo Be'ersheva в Be'er Sheva

ИзраильHotel Leonardo Be'ersheva



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4, Henrietta Szold Street, 8489430, Be'er Sheva, Be'er Sheva, IL Israel
контакты телефон: +972 8-640-5444
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 31.2475306, Longitude: 34.8010722

Комментарии 5

  • ilan lonai

    ilan lonai


    If you need to stay in Beer Sheba this is a very nice hotel to stay. Large clean and nice rooms. Dinner was pretty boring on the night we stayed, there were very few people on this day, maybe that affected the kitchen.

  • M. Deniz GÜNDOĞDU

    M. Deniz GÜNDOĞDU


    Very old, awful arcihtecture style, the rooms are clean however the room smells like dried pee, i really dont like the hotel, also the lobby and breakfast area, but still the best hotel in beershava, clear ahead from the other hotel. To much noise When the doors shut down in the rooms, very noisy hotel

  • Batsheva Poratti

    Batsheva Poratti


    Best staff and amazing location highly Recommend. Almog is an amazing staff member very accommodating and family friendly

  • Olivier LEFEBVRE

    Olivier LEFEBVRE


    The front desk manager tried to rip me off by charging me Israeli tax when I'm just a tourist. They are clearly rude: "If you are not happy, it is the same price and nothing prevents you from going elsewhere!". The rooms are dilapidated: - the smoke detector hangs from the ceiling by its wire - the paint on the walls is falling apart - light bulbs are broken - the carpet has its own ecosystem - there is no pressure in the shower - the shower head is clogged - the water drain in the tub is faulty so the water gets to our knees when we take a shower - the air conditioning dates from the 1950s and makes its own living - the maintenance staff and cleaning allows themselves to enter the rooms without permission when they see a pretty woman, they stare at her insistently and make questionable and gritty innuendos - I saw with my own eyes big cockroaches in the hotel lobby, in the hotel restaurant and in the hallways It is incomprehensible that such an establishment is still authorized to welcome the public.

  • Lisa Bloomberg

    Lisa Bloomberg


    Decent family hotel. Breakfast had medium variety. Coffee and eggs were made to order with a smile. Service staff was kind and helpful. Pool worked well for family and the gym was accommodating for adults and older kids.

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