Desert Wind в Beersheba

ИзраильDesert Wind


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16, Derech HaMeshahrerim, 8434431, Beersheba, Be'er Sheva, IL Israel
контакты телефон: +972
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 31.2518064, Longitude: 34.7948615

Комментарии 5

  • Noa Nativ

    Noa Nativ


    perfect. The apartment is designed to a very high standard! Balcony with open view, comfortable beds, fully equipped kitchen, Spacious, large apartment and a very homely atmosphere. The landlady Fanny is very nice and helpful with any questions and requests. Thank you so much Fanny! We had more than perfect!

  • zvika zoref

    zvika zoref


    We have 5 people in the apartment for several days and the experience is simply outstanding. The apartment is spacious and well maintained, well maintained, has everything we needed and more, everything works properly, clean and organized, beautiful view from the balcony, equipped kitchen with coffee machine, very comfortable beds, close shops, convenient parking and communication with fast and pleasant fanny. No more

  • Gilad Vlad Pinker

    Gilad Vlad Pinker


    An apartment that exceeds all expectations, some information that will help everyone understand why I came out with a huge smile: Service: The hostess took care of us every second, explained and detailed everything before we arrived, it was important for us to get our opinion as soon as we entered, and when we left. She even helped us check out (and saved us the rest of Shabbat.) Exceptional availability. Property Type: 1. The apartment is on a high floor, the view from the apartment is breathtaking, especially at sunset and in the evening. (Attaching image) 2. The apartment has a very large balcony, perfect for breakfast in fresh air. 3. The apartment has 4 spacious bedrooms, with most comfortable beds, 3 bathrooms, a large bath and shower. 4. The kitchen is large and aesthetic, equipped with microwaves, refrigerators, cupboards, a refrigerator, enough utensils for a meal for 4, and a high quality coffee machine (and free coffee capsules that fixed my Saturday morning completely.) 5. Wifi free with excellent reception. 6. The air conditioning and cleanliness in the apartment are of a high quality, and the smell is amazing - the feeling of a luxury hotel. Location and comfort: 1. The apartment is located near all the main entertainment venues in Be'er Sheva. 2. Near the Avenue Avenue convenience stores, and even a gas station in the neighborhood next to. (Thanks to this, I could also buy groceries on Shabbat) 3. Lots of parking spaces under the apartment building. (2 public parking lots, and private parking for the building). 4. Walking distance from the apartment to the central bus station - perfect for tourists or those who do not own a car. 5. The apartment has a perfect lobby, 2 spacious and fast elevators. And the price? Lower than any other accommodation in the city. In conclusion, the best accommodation I have ever experienced in the WC is definitely. Recommend to anyone who wants to impress a tourist, businessman, team eve or his wife. :)

  • 이동준




  • Thomas Lehermair

    Thomas Lehermair


    Beautiful Apartment. Always clean and save.

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