המחלקה הבינלאומית של בית החולים הדסה в Jerusalem

Коронавирус (COVID-19) Ситуация

подтвержденные случаи




Израильהמחלקה הבינלאומית של בית החולים הדסה



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1, Henrietta Sold, 91120, Jerusalem, IL Israel
контакты телефон: +972 2-560-9799
Веб-сайт: hadassah.ru
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Latitude: 31.7656897, Longitude: 35.1497781

Комментарии 5

  • Ella Sakovich

    Ella Sakovich


  • Гос Пресс

    Гос Пресс


    Remote consultations are what the pandemic gave us. Already two times I have been with my wife for a remote consultation with Alex Simon (a very strong reproductive specialist in Israel). Through his assignments, we are preparing to become parents. Feelings overwhelm. Thank you all for the assistance and psychological support!

  • Роман Никонов

    Роман Никонов


    I am very grateful to Leon Kaplan for the remote consultation, which ultimately saved my life. For 2 years I was worried about back pain and numbness in my legs. The clinic took pictures and advised not to rush to the operation. They say there is a small hernia, conservative treatment will cope with it. I went to exercise therapy, massages, drank pills for almost 4 months. Until one day I lost my balance due to the fact that the leg, as if it had become a stranger. I returned to the clinic - again the pictures, again the doctors' verdict - bear with me, it will pass. Yes, I myself was afraid of the operation, they write on the forums - then everything only gets worse. Fortunately, my wife insisted that I send the pictures to Israel, where her mother had already been treated. At the first call, we were told that the situation was ambiguous and advised to undergo a remote consultation with Dr. Kaplan. The consultation lasted longer than the allotted time. However, they didn’t take any more from me. Which made me happy. During the examination of the documents and communication with the doctor, it turned out that I had started a hernia. It was necessary to operate as soon as the first alarming symptoms appeared. Professor Leon recommended a good surgeon in Moscow, since it was already impossible to break through to Israel in March due to quarantine. The surgeon confirmed all the words of the professor, appointed the operation quickly enough (considering that the covid changed a lot). On April 2, I underwent surgery. Now I am undergoing rehabilitation at my place of residence. I would like to express my gratitude to both the Hadassah doctor and the surgeon, of course, my wife, who insisted on the consultation. It was only thanks to them that I avoided paralysis or worse!

  • Алекс Бру

    Алекс Бру


    Health plus arranged hospitalization in Hadassah very quickly despite the pandemic. Thanks to everyone who participated. Both doctors and accompanying persons! Now I am being monitored remotely. I hope you don't need to come again)))

  • Виталий Сергеев

    Виталий Сергеев


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