Hadassah Ein Kerem в Jerusalem

ИзраильHadassah Ein Kerem



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Kalman Ya'akov Man Street, Jerusalem, IL Israel
контакты телефон: +972 2-677-7111
Веб-сайт: www.hadassah.org.il
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 31.7656834, Longitude: 35.1493192

Комментарии 5

  • Mike Ressan

    Mike Ressan


    This hospital is against any non israeli patient. We had the worst experience here. I filed multiple complaints and no one ever got back to me and their website will not accept a passport number when filing a complaint. I asked to speak to the professor treating my wife to discuss his procedure, first the nurses said they dont know who is treating my wife, when i kept insisting they said the professor does not speak to anyone, they also never explained anything to my wife until she begged a nurse and he called a resident doctor. We have been here for 14 days and i am still waiting for the doctor to speak to me.. After pressing the nurse call button, expect the nurse to come after 5-10 minutes. The floors were dirty and after taking a shower and telling the nurse to get someone to clean the bathroom it took around an hour for someone to come which is a danger to patients that can slip in the bathroom. They have very bad patient care. I will never come back here again. November 21 update: We were discharged today and even at the discharge the doctors wouldn't see me... We were also discharged with some meds, one of which was a blood thinner, the discharge note said to take 40mg but what they gave us was 60mg, giving a patient a wrong dosage of a blood thinner is dangerous.. Just another way of showing how incompitant this hospital and it's staff are. Be careful check your meds they make mistakes all the time.

  • Alesya MATVEEVA

    Alesya MATVEEVA


    If I could give a lower grade I would. I just called to Hadasah from the USA to check on my father. He suffered a major life-threatening fire and stayed alive, while his apartment burned down to ashes. He is currently very depressed and I just wanted to know that he is there and is breathing. I called to mahleket pnimit gimel and was put on hold because the operator was having jokes with his coworker. Then he said, “call back later” and hanged up on me. This is the service you get at that hospital. I think this guy should be dismissed because he doesn’t respect the patients who suffered major emotional and physical harm, and their relatives who cannot sleep at night without knowing that their relatives are alive and are okay.

  • Jay Levinson

    Jay Levinson


    Very good medical treatment. Very problematic parking especially for handicapped.

  • Yotam Amit

    Yotam Amit


    hospital cmevn bjdme

  • Hanna Sloutsky

    Hanna Sloutsky


    The admissions unit has absolutely no idea of what customer service is. They don't switch the numbers, and then start screaming that everybody must be waiting outside "to prevent corona". People are cramping at the doors, and once you make a request, they barely move and continue chatting with the colleagues or on phone.

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