דיל אופקים- ז'בוטינסקי i Ofakim

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Israelדיל אופקים- ז'בוטינסקי



🕗 åbningstider

25, Jabotinski Street, Ofakim, Be'er Sheva, IL Israel
kontakter telefon: +972 8-996-3944
internet side: www.shufersal.co.il
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 31.3182392, Longitude: 34.6252441

kommentar 5

  • ויקי כרמין

    ויקי כרמין


    Very expensive ... how in places like Yeruham Ofakim they stab the dear writer instead of considering the residents ... and beyond that the place is not clean ... the workers there are kind and cute ...

  • Yosef Danilov

    Yosef Danilov


    This supermarket has already become a family! For more than 25 years, almost every day we come here to shop. The staff is friendly, warm, professionals work on baking, excellent bakers. There is always fresh goods in the store, always crowded.

  • Natan Shnayder

    Natan Shnayder


    Personally i don't like this supermarket...and shufersal in generally...

  • gideon pauker

    gideon pauker


    The place is too small and crowded. There is no pleasant shopping experience. Recently, there has been a great improvement when cash registers were introduced for personal use, which shortened the time and waiting. The selection of products is definitely satisfying. Total super satisfying but without the shopping experience

  • ‫בנימין בן ישי (‪Benyamin Ben Ishai‬‏)‬‎

    ‫בנימין בן ישי (‪Benyamin Ben Ishai‬‏)‬‎


    Many products compared to other places are cheaper. Plenty of products.

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