Dr. Yoav Orbach в Jerusalem

ИзраильDr. Yoav Orbach



🕗 время открытия

2, Beitar Street, 9348001, Jerusalem, IL Israel
контакты телефон: +972 74-700-3345
Веб-сайт: www.yoav-orbach.com
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 31.7553592, Longitude: 35.2237988

Комментарии 5

  • Sara Malka Eisen

    Sara Malka Eisen


    I have an extremely difficult and complicated mouth. After 30 years with the same dentist, I realized that I needed another level of dentistry and Dr. Orbach came highly reccomended as a denist who is on top of his profession and up to date wtih the latest finidings and proceedures. i have found him to be knowledgable and on the ball,accurate in his diagnostics, effective in his treatments plans and always open to research further and ask advice when neccesary. i was alsoimpressed with his knowledge of related fields-ENT- as they impact the teeth . Especially important and impressive, is his dedicated attention and care and communication skills. allowing for open communication to check on me after I had particularly painful and challenging treatments. I highly reccomend Dr, Orbach!

  • Rachel Unger

    Rachel Unger


    Not only am I having an easy experience with Invisalign but he caught something that my kupah denstist had missed for awhile.

  • chani stahl

    chani stahl


    While visiting Israel, my 5 year old daughter woke up in middle of the night with a severe toothache. Not knowing who to turn to, we called a business associate of my husband's who lives in Israel, for a dentist recommendation. Immediately he told us Dr. Orbach is the man to turn to. Even though Dr. Orbach had gotten up from shiva that very morning, he answered his phone immediately and took the time to explain that although he is not a pediatric dentist, he had an associate whom he highly recommends. Dr. Orbach took time out of his very busy schedule to personally call the pediatric dentist, explain the situation to her, and then call me back to let me know that this pediatric dentist would gladly see my daughter the very next day. My daughter was seen, her tooth was extracted, and she feels wonderful, thank G-d. I cannot thank Dr. Orbach enough for his time, attention, and caring manner. After my daughter's treatment, Dr. Orbach followed up with me to make sure all went well. I highly recommend Dr. Orbach for his knowledgeable and caring bedside manner as well as for his experience.

  • Malka Forshner

    Malka Forshner


    From the very first prompt email response from Dr. Orbach's secretary, Ayala. all the way thru the personal phone I just received from Dr. Orbach this evening, after having my implants put in in today (he was just checking up on me, to make sure I was feeling ok) everything was awesome about my experience. His communication skills are excellent. explaining before, during, and after the treatment. He work was smooth and professional, including how well he worked with his assistant, Tzipporah. I can't say I had fun, but it was sure a 100% positive implant experience!!

  • Yoel Farkas

    Yoel Farkas


    Amazing dentist! Skilled, patient and friendly! Dr. Orbach proves that one can actually look forward to seeing his dentist!

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