Dr. Ari Greenspan в Jerusalem

ИзраильDr. Ari Greenspan



🕗 время открытия

101, Hebron Road, Jerusalem, IL Израиль
контакты телефон: +972 2-679-8040
Веб-сайт: www.greenspandental.com
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 31.754619, Longitude: 35.221494

Комментарии 5

  • en

    Gabby Haar


    Dr. Greenspan is the only Dentist in all of Israel that can handle my teeth. He has taken care of everything, from the simple cavity to the complex root canal and crown replacement. He does it all, and he does it well. Thank you Dr. Greenspan! ד״ר גרינספן הוא רופא השיניים היחיד בארץ שיודע לטפל בפה שלי. הוא דאג לטפל בכל בעיה שהיא, מהסתימה הפשוטה עד לטיפול שורש המורכב. הוא עושה את הכל, והוא עושה את זה טוב. תודה לך ד״ר גרינספן!

  • en

    Elysa W


    Dr. Greenspan is a doctors’ doctor. If you want the best and most advanced in dental care then he is your dentist. It happened that I recently moved 1 hour and 15 minutes from Jerusalem and inquired from another dental professional about a replacement dentist in my area and they stated “there is no better dentist than Dr. Greenspan and I should drive the distance and stay with him”. Trust me you won’t be disappointed.

  • nitzan alon

    nitzan alon


    We looked for someone to see if my son needed his tongue to be untied. Dr. Greenspan was quick, calming and very professional. Would recommend him anytime.

  • en

    Martin Burg


    My children have gone to Dr. Greenspan since they were children. He was always friendly, thorough and very professional. We recently had a dental emergency and Ari waited until we arrived , and worked "magic" with the dental problem. I would highly recommend Dr. Greenspan .

  • en

    Ashton Hang


    Dr. Greenspan put me completely at ease! I’m from the U.S. and I was nervous about having dental work overseas for the first time because I didn’t know what to expect. I’ve seen him multiple times and his injections are painless. Many times in the U.S. I’ve felt that dentists were only concerned about money, but with Dr. Greenspan I’ve always felt that he genuinely cares about me as a patient and is only concerned about my health and well-being. He describes the procedures to me so I am always aware of what is going on, and he checks in with me as he’s doing the procedure to make sure I’m always comfortable. His assistant is amazing as well! She is always so kind and caring. Dr. Greenspan is easy to talk to and takes time to answer questions — I never feel rushed. He is friendly, compassionate, and extremely good at what he does. He is truly dedicated to his patients and has even stayed late to fit me in his schedule. I only wish he were in the U.S. so when I return there I could continue to be his patient! I HIGHLY recommend Dr. Greenspan!

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