Discount i Netanya

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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26, Tom Lantos Boulevard, Netanya, HaSharon, IL Israel
kontakter telefon: +972 3-943-9111
internet side:
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Latitude: 32.306413, Longitude: 34.8689857

kommentar 5

  • Michael Gavrielov

    Michael Gavrielov


    If it was possible to give minus stars then check this is what I would give, tired branch not service if you have no money in the account you are zero and are not treated, Rachel the banker in one call tells me you want me to treat you transfer money, same thing Liron! Just a shame, I have a loan and I moved to another bank I am interested in closing and asking questions so Rachel tells me to transfer money we will talk !!! So I will not transfer money and every month call me! Maybe you will finally work a little !!!

  • Sabrina Obraztsov

    Sabrina Obraztsov


    Good service, also helped me who did not have to ....

  • Jenya Rozentsvaig

    Jenya Rozentsvaig


    For people for whom it is important to manage money abroad and make transfers abroad, I recommend not approaching the Discount Bank, especially to the Kiryat Hasharon branch, tired and lame service, complete clerks do not know basic things in English.

  • נירית עמר כהן

    נירית עמר כהן


    A charming branch, courteous and professional service, every meeting begins with a smile, always trying and succeeding in helping and finding solutions that suit the situation. Just fun to be a customer of this branch.

  • Noa Stoffman

    Noa Stoffman



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