בנק אגוד סניף פולג i Netanya

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Israelבנק אגוד סניף פולג



🕗 åbningstider

24, Sderot Giborei Israel, Netanya, HaSharon, IL Israel
kontakter telefon: +972 76-800-3521
internet side: www.unionbank.co.il
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 32.2802454, Longitude: 34.8606508

kommentar 5

  • Keily sirus

    Keily sirus


    When you need them they are not there for you

  • Tzachi Ben David

    Tzachi Ben David


    Personal and pleasant service Very uncomfortable opening hours for private customers There is no one and no Friday

  • moty tamir

    moty tamir


    A slow and terrible service, instead of improving the service they chose to renovate and change their location and continue to be the worst bank branch in our provinces. Stood next to a sick woman and her husband and wanted to withdraw cash for her treatment, stood for an hour and when the clerk's donor arrived they told them that they could not withdraw due to cash law until the lady fainted in her husband's arms did not treat them, shame Of course, the branch manager came out with candy, as if the abrupt service they suddenly gave would become better

  • Manny Zagri

    Manny Zagri


    Not only does your site not work with Isracard And for years now you have not bothered to connect yourselves to them, What section do you close the branch on Friday? The only day of the week that can be arranged. How should I collect my credit card now? Retarded.

  • Yuval Doll

    Yuval Doll


    It's a shame the bank does so much with your customers for your service. It is a real shame that this is in relation to customers. And more business customers. Why does it seem legitimate to let me wait while her clerk takes people behind me, why not show understanding or explanation to a client who is trying to help her mother who is not much in the country? Why make it harder and make it feel so bad and unpleasant. Get to the point of shouting that doesn't apply! Just shocking not to believe it. Not a customer and I'll never be unspecific at the Poleg branch. Ugh. Simple nasty attitude

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