Bank Hapoalim i Netanya

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IsraelBank Hapoalim



🕗 åbningstider

11, Kikar HaAtsmaut, 42271, Netanya, HaSharon, IL Israel
kontakter telefon: +972 3-653-2407
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 32.3306617, Longitude: 34.8523719

kommentar 5

  • Евгений Синьков

    Евгений Синьков


    Absolutely disorganized branch. There is no person in the entrance helping navigate. You enter the bank and wait for a miracle to happen. Call canter does not support any language other then Hebrew, which is unacceptable. I went there 2 times, waited for half an hour and didn’t even have an opportunity to ask one question: where is my newly issued card. Although staff is very punctual: they will not even talk you while the break

  • Павел Чернышов

    Павел Чернышов


    The staff was very friendly, helped me to fix my credit card. There is always an available time to schedule an appointment online for tomorrow or even today.

  • Natalie Golan

    Natalie Golan


    Worst service ever! They don’t know how to treat their clients or foreign clients from the US and Canada. Impossible to reach anyone by phone or communicate. HORRIBLE!

  • maka mdivani

    maka mdivani


    One of the worst services I have ever experienced in Israel...

  • simon



    Generally nasty service.. Impatient, rude , condescending... If you come from Canada or the USA, you would be appalled at the low standard that management expects of its employees. such a shame because this is such a wonderful country.

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