Aqaba Bird Observatory w עקבה

IzraelAqaba Bird Observatory



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עקבה, ירדן
kontakt telefon: +962 3 205 8825
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Latitude: 29.57543, Longitude: 34.9857359

komentarze 5

  • en

    khaled alhassanat


    Very relaxing place with nice staff

  • en

    Sultan Murad


    One of the best places for bird observation if you don't mind the occasional woof of bad smell, overall the bird species will make you forget anything else

  • Mohammed Joudeh

    Mohammed Joudeh


    Discover a unique aspect of what Aqaba has to offer in terms of natural wonders. Aqaba is not only a desired destination for tourists, but also the resting site for many migratory birds heading north up the Gulf of Aqaba each spring. Any tree, bush, dripping irrigation pipe, or pool of water is a welcome sight for a tired migrating bird arriving from an exhausting flight over the sea or across the desert. Aqaba boasts the bird observatory where you can get up close and personal with some of the 390 species of birds which reside in Jordan, or use it as an annual migratory stop. Because of its location, it receives flocks of birds coming from Europe, Asia and Africa every migration season. The flocks fly towards the observatory, which consists of an exceptional diversity of habitats critical for to attracting birds; shallow and deep waters, herbal plants, trees and green surfaces. These habitats integrate with each other to form a vibrant bird hub, especially for the waders. Develop your passion for bird-watching by paying a visit to this astounding space! During Autumn or Spring, watchers unwind from their busy lives and head to Aqaba to witness the birds’ migration especially those crossing the city of Aqaba twice a year. Likewise, the Observatory is a great place for those who are willing to travel hundred miles to see spectacular species of rare birds. The Aqaba bird observatory is located in Al-Salam forest near South Wadi Araba Crossing Border with a total area of 0.5 km2 .It is run by the Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature and is an important site for many European and African migratory species. The observatory is open all year round, but the best time to visit is in the Spring and Autumn months.

  • en

    Mazen Rayyan


    Nice and unique place

  • mohamed hammad

    mohamed hammad


    Nice place for watching many kinds of birds

najbliższy Park

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