Thrifty Car Rental i ירושלים

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IsraelThrifty Car Rental



🕗 åbningstider

19, מלך דוד, ירושלים, IL ישראל
kontakter telefon: +972 2-500-1800
internet side:
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Latitude: 31.7754706, Longitude: 35.2223513

kommentar 5

  • camille valley

    camille valley


    Changed name to europcar. Absolutely terrible experience. Unfriendly, slow and unprofessional employees.

  • en

    ben kay


    This company changed its name to EuropCar. Terrible terrible service!!!! No one answers the phone and the when I stood in the office I saw the phone kept ringing... No one cared, totally ignoring it. People who work there were all talking to each other, totally ignoring the customers and the phone. When I finally was able to return the car, the people in the garage were straight up mean, treating the clients like dirt! STAY AWAY!!!

  • en

    Jonathan Heller


    They gave us a car in horrible condition. NEVER answer their phones. Definitely do not recommended.

  • en

    Daniel Rubenstein


    Horrible experience!! Car was intermediate level car, but the car was terrible. The transmission (its an automatic) was so bad you could literally count a full 3 seconds in between gear shifts. The brakes were terrible and it took a scary amount of time to come to a stop. They could care less about all this and did not offer any other options. To top it off, when returning the car, they pointed to scratch that was clearly there before we picked up the car and made up a whole accident report claiming it was us that did the damage. I would not sign the report but they proceeded with it anyways and said its my problem to work out with my credit card company. A horrible car topped off with even worse service, what more can you ask for?

  • Shai Netanel Nagary

    Shai Netanel Nagary


    סוכנות טובה ויעילה עם צוות מהיר

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