צמחים לתרופה - ייעוץ קנאביס רפואי в Bat Yam

Израильצמחים לתרופה - ייעוץ קנאביס רפואי



🕗 время открытия

37, Ha-Rav Nisanbaum Street, Bat Yam, IL Israel
контакты телефон: +972 72-336-1036
Веб-сайт: trofa.co.il
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 32.013338, Longitude: 34.752433

Комментарии 5

  • Busniss Lapes

    Busniss Lapes


    היי אני רוצה לשבח את חברת צמחים לתרופה ולהודות להם מקרב ליבי על היחס ועל הסבלנות התהליך לקבלת רישיון היה מהיר ומפתיע ותוך חודש וקצת קיבלתי את הרישיון אלופים ישלהם תשובה לכל שאלה ואני באמת מבסוט על זה שבחרתי בחברת יעוץ הזו כי ממש מקל על הראש שיש מענה מהיר לכל דבר ושירות מהיר ומיקצועי .

  • עדן בן יהודה

    עדן בן יהודה


    The truth is that I am a very suspicious person and do not trust anyone. A guy helped me in no light and in life I have not experienced real personal treatment I already thought I had no chance of getting a license And he fulfilled it for me thank you very much for the service and fairness and in the end we reached the destination cannabis license thank you from the bottom of my heart

  • killdam



    Hello everyone. To anyone who sees this feedback, I want to say a big thank you to the herbal medicine that helped me in the whole process after a long time I contacted some charities but without success I was always told it takes time for nothing to happen do not come back to me I want to say that herbal medicine gives warmth love and full availability without worrying about anything The process is doing everything to get you the cannabis I am writing this to all those who are skeptical about the subject Do not think twice and simply if you suffer from herbs for the drug this is the unequivocal solution 💓

  • אור כהן

    אור כהן


    Thieves and snakes, bothering you to do a lot of things over and over again demanding more money for everything that is suddenly missing. The matter of helping patients and people to get a license is regret they just want to make money on the patients who need the treatment because it is the easiest ... crooks !!!!!!!! Do not fund thieves and look for another place to make your license through it !!!!!

  • אופק לוי

    אופק לוי


    Thieves !! Three months I chase after them !! Do not bother to return calls or answer WhatsApp Customer service, certainly not emails !! And in addition, after the 1600 I paid, they asked for another 1300 shekels because the doctor raised prices !! Does that make sense to anyone ?? Anyone thinking of using herbs for medicine - stop !! There is a list of doctors on the state's website that charge no more than NIS 300 !! It's a waste of your money to fund an organization that seems to come to help patients

Больницы поблизости

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