Ziv Medical Center i Tsfat

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IsraelZiv Medical Center



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Søndagåben 24 timer
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Derech HaRambam, Tsfat, Tzfat, IL Israel
kontakter telefon: +972 4-682-8811
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 32.954157, Longitude: 35.492657

kommentar 5

  • Moshe Ap

    Moshe Ap


    No parking space. Crowded rooms and coridors. Under qualified staff, especially nurses. Good place to go, if you want to die in a week.

  • Emmanuel Tavora

    Emmanuel Tavora


    Excellent! I am being treated of Multiple Mieloma. Every Sunday I go to Ziv Hospital to Hematolog Center and I am Well received not only by Doctor Marat Kashlikov but also by the Nurses and All the Staff. I want to make here a Compliment to All of them but Especially to Doctor Marat, Salwa and All the Nurses that take care of me and those who are passing through this treatment that demands Experience, Attention and Most of All, Love! Also Social Assistant Tatiana! For Sure, All of them have it! Thank You! We Love You! 💓💕❤️ Emmanuel and Cecília.

  • Hadi Saleh

    Hadi Saleh


    Just don’t go to this hospital TRUST ME YOU WILL REGRET IT.

  • J.R. Breen

    J.R. Breen


    Very nice staff and they conform with social distancing protocols very effectively.

  • Amy Rappaport

    Amy Rappaport


    I am so thankful for the people who are profoundly loving, devoted , compassionate and skillful who work on the Orthopedic Unit of the hospital. Thank you for all you give. I hope some day Israel will create a better work schedule for people in the medical profession. People who love as deeply as the medical professionals do need to be loved just as much.

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