Vidar Jewelry в Karmiel

ИзраильVidar Jewelry



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Karmiel, Israel
контакты телефон: +972 54-925-4462
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 32.916761, Longitude: 35.293833

Комментарии 5

  • en

    Reg & Grace Orr


    We are extremely pleased with the wedding rings purchased from Vidar Jewelry in Israel. We live in Canada and the whole process was relatively easy, thanks to Roi Avidar. There were no issues with money, shipping or customer service. Vidar Jewelry is a first class operation and produces excellent quality workmanship. Our wedding rings are unique, exquisite and exactly what we envisioned. Roi was highly responsive to any questions or concerns we had and definitely went the extra mile to ensure we were totally pleased with our purchase and they are exactly what we wanted. We would not hesitate to use Vidar Jewelry in the future. They are an excellent company to deal with. K Orr

  • en

    Lara Mitchell


    I ordered a custom wedding ring for my husband from Vidar Jewelry. I couldn't be happier with the entire transaction, from initial contact to finished product. Rob was with me every step of the way. He sent me digital sketches of my initial idea, then quickly sent updated sketches of my revised request.Once the ring was finished, I received shipping updates every day & it was delivered directly to my door by a DHL courier. The ring is PERFECT. The craftsmanship is superb, the diamonds sparkle, it's masculine & a bit fancy all at the same time. It's exactly what I wanted for my husband after our 22 yrs of marriage, and he loves it. He keeps holding it up & admiring it in the light. Speaking of light--the ring came in a beautiful wooden box w/ a tiny spotlight! I highly recommend this shop; they do exceptional work with exceptional customer service. Thank you!

  • en

    Jessica Olson


    This husband and wife duo are amazing! They were able to create a custom wedding band to match a beautiful engagement ring from their site. Black gold with a stunning sapphire, it's truly better than anything I could have envisioned myself. Roi was always great at keeping in contact with me and answered any question I had promptly. I would recommend them to anyone who wants to wear a lovely art piece, I honestly don't think I could sing their praises enough.

  • en

    David Seaquist


    Roi made the ring perfectly! He told me I would have it by my time frame and he did. They made it even better than I could have imagined. He was very nice. I would recommend them to anyone. Great job and thank you again! I can't wait to get my ring from them also.

  • Shana Tibi

    Shana Tibi


    I'm so happy that I found Vidar Jewelry! They're a family run business who excels in customer service as well as beautiful designs. I wanted a classic white gold solitaire engagement ring with some small vintage detailing. This ring is the most beautiful piece I've ever seen!! I can't wait for future anniversaries to wear more designer jewelry from Vidar. Simply the best!

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