🕗 opening times
Sunday | - | |||||
Monday | - | |||||
Tuesday | - | |||||
Wednesday | - | |||||
Thursday | - | |||||
Friday | - | |||||
Saturday | closed |
10, Aharon Becker Street, Tel Aviv-Yafo, IL ะะทัะฐะธะปั
contacts phone: +972 3-644-6050
larger map & directionsLatitude: 32.1227219, Longitude: 34.8164017
Shiri Ben
::ืืืืฉื ืืืืจืื ื ืืช ืืืงืื ืืืชืคืจืื. ืกืื ืืฉืืจืฉืื ืืืืืฅ ืืื !
::This vegetarian coffee shop/bakery is located practically at the entrance to the supermarket so it's impossible to miss. There are lots of tables, which are conveniently distanced from one another, so you don't get the feeling you're sitting on top of someone else. Their coffee is good and their baked goods are especially recommended (their rugelach are some of the best I've had, ever). There are cakes, cookies, and other pastries (including gluten-free) out front, and several kinds of breads behind the counter in the store itself. They have free Wi-Fi. Stop by for a light snack or a filling breakfast (ask for their shakshuka) or lunch. Prices are very reasonable. One thing, though: Their service is slow. If you're in a hurry, ask for the check at the start of the meal so you don't have to flag down a server ืืืืื ืืืืืฅ ืืงื ืืืช ืืืคืื ืืืืืื (ืื ืืื ืืืืื) ืืื ืืืืื ืืฉืืช ืงืืขื ืืืจื ืืกืืคืจืืจืงื ืื ืืืฆืืื ืืืกืืคืจ, ืืชื ืื ืฉืืื ืืื ืืืจื ืืื... ืจืืืช ืืฉืืืื ืืช ืืืฉ ืขื ืงืืช ืื ืฉืชืืื ืืฉ ืืงืื ืืฉืืื ืืื ืฆืคืืคืืช ืืขืืงื. ืืงืคื ืืื ืืืืืคืื ืืฆืืื ืื. ืืืืจ ืืืืืื ืฉืืืื ืืืคืจืืข ืืืื ืฉืืืืจืื ืื ืฉืืืจืืช ืฉืืฉืืจืืช ื ืขืื ืืืืืื ื, ืืื ืืืื ืืืื... ืื ืฉืื ืืชื ืืื ืืืืจืื, ืืืจื ืืืช ืืืืฆืจ/ืืช ืืืงืฉื ืฉืืืืฉื ืืื ืืฉืืื ืืืจ ืืชืืืืช ืืืจืืื ืืื ืฉืื ืชืชืขืืื ืืืื ื. ืืืืช, ืืืช ืืืขืืื, ืืื ืืืฉ ืืงืกืืื ืืชืืื ืืคืฉืจ ืืืงืฉ ืฉืืืื ื ืืื ืืืจ ืื ืืืชืื ืืืงืฉืืชืืื. ืืืืืฅ ืืืจืืื ืงืื ืื ืืกืชื ืงืคื ืฉื ืืืงืจ ืื ืืื"ืฆ ืืงื ืืื ืฉื ืืื ื ืืืคื ืืขืืืื ืืืืช
Eyal Iter
::Lior Bracha
::David Peres