Togarashi Big Eilat טוגראשי ביג אילת в Eilat

ИзраильTogarashi Big Eilat טוגראשי ביג אילת



🕗 время открытия

20, Ha-Satat Street, 88000, Eilat, Be'er Sheva, IL Israel
контакты телефон: +972 8-933-3931
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 29.5671141, Longitude: 34.9598026

Комментарии 5

  • Guy Ulmer

    Guy Ulmer


    The Thai dishes were nice. But the Sushi was extremely mediocre even for a "mall Sushi".

  • Aviv Ron

    Aviv Ron


    Its fast food and seating is in the middle of the mall... so dont expect gourmet. But they are quick to serve and the food is nice

  • Elad Lending

    Elad Lending


    Didn't like the food this time. I ordered a children's "Teriyaki Chicken and Noodles", and it was way too sweet. Maybe my fault, as I'm not a child. But I have had good take-away meals from Togarashi in the past, which is why I was confident going back.




    Half a stand about half a restaurant depends on how you look at it, instead you can order through a digital screen, but it is important to note, when you order through the screen, there are things that are not updated or missing in practice, so you can resent, prefer to order frontally, and not be surprised by shortcomings! ! Located in a place that connects several similar stalls, so seating will be quite limited, the place can order Thai food, can be taken as takeaway, in general the place seems very sterile, and maintains optimal hygiene, on the one hand, one cook maintains a sterile method of preparation, with gloves . On the other hand a main cook, who prepares most of the menu, does not use gloves, and even touches the food directly with his hands !! Which should not be as a place that provides food. Luckily the food was delicious, and I did not get a diarrhea, but it is not acceptable anywhere to get a dish that is prepared in an unreliable and hygienic way !!!! I would give the place 4 stars, but maintaining hygiene for me must improve, so 3+.

  • Aaron Singer

    Aaron Singer


    Togarashi sushi and asian cuisine is amazing! Delicious, affordable, food in Eilat. There service is incredible! Our Togarashi Story: Our daughter was graduating from basic training at a nearby base and we needed to find a kosher sushi restaurant in the area at the last minute to pull off a graduation party for the whole graduating company (50 soldiers). We called a few places Saturday night and Togarashi answered the call, sending us an amazing menu of sushi and other dishes at a great price. They quickly won over our business with their fast, friendly service and generous offer. Because we don't live in the area, we connected Togarashi with Smiley Taxi (another amazing service that we recommend), and they coordinated together and delivered the food to the base fresh, on time and on budget. The feedback we got from the girls was amazing - they all raved about how delicious and generously portioned the food was, from the sushi to the stir fry. thumbs up!!! Thank you Togarashi for your incredible food, your great attitude, price and service! I highly recommend Togarashi!

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