Super Dahan Market в Kiryat Motzkin

ИзраильSuper Dahan Market



🕗 время открытия

13, HaHashmona'im Street, Kiryat Motzkin, Haifa, IL Israel
контакты телефон: +972
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 32.8362236, Longitude: 35.0764884

Комментарии 5

  • Irit Sayag

    Irit Sayag


    נתקעתם? מקום מתאים יש הכל. המחירים לרוב לא זולים

  • חנניה ואנונו

    חנניה ואנונו


    Cool Super Sabba Katz. Expensive but you can find everything there and fresh

  • שרונה גולן

    שרונה גולן


    Unpleasant service experience, it is difficult to get through the supermarket paths that are always full of boxes and nervous workers who do not bother to move themselves, God forbid, and make room for shoppers. Buy there only if there is no choice. There are excellent alternatives. After this review, I will note favorably the conduct of the management and the drawing of conclusions ... Other times there was a significant improvement and therefore the score went up for me.

  • ביקורות קריות

    ביקורות קריות


    Hello. Today (Friday 31.12.21) I came to shop at this supermarket. They had a few minutes to close but they put people in yet .. And they put me in too, I only had a few things to buy, and I took and went directly to the cash register, I asked for payment separately because I also bought my neighbor a few things and she brought a sum that should be enough. The cashier started to do the calculation (of the things the neighbor asked for) and one of the products she did double 4 (did not notice and I do not because how will I know I do not work in it) and continued to transfer .. and told me the amount and the amount went above what I have and I downloaded 2 products That I took and still it was not enough and then her manager came and started saying "that's why I do not agree to put in a few minutes before closing" etc .. Then the cashier and the manager giggled (she said something I did not hear) Without anything from what I was told to buy and then she noticed that the same product I told her to download she did 4 times so that only it took exactly the amount I had and it did not even make sense because I only had 6 products I wanted to buy and so I told the manager to return the products I downloaded Earlier he did not listen and ignored that this is how I walked away with only 4 products. I shop most of the time in this supermarket but in my life I have never had such a case, it just repulses the behavior of the manager and cashier who does not do her job right and does not notice the things she does even by mistake.

  • IDAN



    Great variety of products and prices. The place is a bit small and might be over crowded on Fridays

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