Sunrise on top of the world в Kefar Sava

ИзраильSunrise on top of the world



🕗 время открытия

Воскресеньеоткрыт 24 часа
Понедельникоткрыт 24 часа
Вторникоткрыт 24 часа
Средаоткрыт 24 часа
Четверготкрыт 24 часа
Пятницаоткрыт 24 часа
Субботаоткрыт 24 часа
8, Ha-Kharoshet Street, Kefar Sava, Petach Tikva, IL Israel
контакты телефон: +972 50-910-0515
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 32.1765746, Longitude: 34.9280222

Комментарии 5

  • Liran Cohen

    Liran Cohen


    We were at a bachelor party about 10 people, the place was filthy at the impossible level of staying there for more than a few hours, and the plan was to sleep there, some friends stayed to sleep because there really was no choice because they drank, and some could not stay there because they were really disgusted and rightly so. The highlight was a stomach upset that almost all of us got, we made on the grill grill of the place, and it can not be said that it is not fresh meat because it was bought that day from a selected butcher, in addition to a friend who also got spoiled even though he is vegetarian (ate a vegan burger) In conclusion the place is cute minus in terms of the things it has, but filthy at the unbearable level.

  • Ziv Levi

    Ziv Levi


    We celebrated a bachelor party at the place, a great experience! The owners are very kind and happy to help and make sure the stay is pleasant for everyone. The space downstairs is very large and well equipped, and the top floor is very luxurious, a fun pool for paddling, space for sitting, air conditioning, and an excellent sound system. We really enjoyed and totally recommend!

  • רז אוהר

    רז אוהר


    I celebrated in the loft the company's birthday, the place was very aesthetic, the owner took care of everything we asked for and beyond An extraordinary and impressive experience, I would recommend everyone to celebrate there Of course I'll be back again

  • einav elfasy

    einav elfasy


    Perfect place, the owners of the place are perfect! I celebrated a bachelorette party and must mention that I have been to quite a few places in my life where we celebrated all kinds of parties and at Sunrise it was just different and perfect. The owners of the place give amazing service and even helped us with things that are not related to them at all. Stunning place and everyone celebrating with me enjoyed the frenzy. We will definitely get much more❤

  • שיר וינשטיין

    שיר וינשטיין


    We celebrated a bachelorette party for the company and were disappointed. The place was dirty and unaesthetic, see they did not bother to move and clean. Lots of broken things (bar stools, sun bed ...). The pool was small and shallow, and the water was not clean. An unpleasant and not recommending experience.

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