Soho Pub в Jerusalem

ИзраильSoho Pub



🕗 время открытия

31, Jaffa Street, Jerusalem, IL Израиль
контакты телефон: +972
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 31.7811337, Longitude: 35.2204229

Комментарии 5

  • en

    Jake Scheinberg


    I traveled thousands of miles to the holy city of Jerusalem for one thing and one thing only: to get some beer. That's exactly what drew me to the Soho Pub. The environment seemed to be quite inviting at first glance. We sat down in a vibrant and lively outdoor patio that perfectly exemplified the type of ambience one would seek in this city of culture and mysticism. Our waitress arrived and greeted us with utmost friendliness. You could tell she was the fun one of the friend group. She laughed with us, gave us suggestions, and generally felt like she was just another friend of ours. We ordered our drinks and she happily returned with all of them. Our drinks were delicious and we didn't have a care in the world. We thought this would be the greatest night of our lives, but we could not have been more wrong. After our evening of drunken festivities, the time had arrived for us to pay for our drinks, and this is when our lives would forever change. Our waitress returned as a completely different person. She was extremely adament about us giving her a tip. Being the polite Americans we are, tipping only comes naturally. We already tip for just about everything, so she did not have to worry about us failing to tip. Nevertheless, she persisted. We gave her a reasonable tip and were about to depart when she stopped us in our tracks. She wanted to count the tip, shekel by shekel, and so she did. We expected a satisfactory response because of the fairness of our tip. However, she did not agree. Our waitress demanded that we gave her more money. We were shocked. Who would ask for a higher tip? She would, apparently. My emotions in that moment were all over the place. I felt angered by her sudden rudeness. I felt betrayed by her change of heart. Most of all, I felt heartbroken over the fact that someone who seemed to be so close to us turned out to be just another puppet to dirty capitalism. The pressure was too much for us and we gave in. She took our extra tip money and left us in the dark, never to be seen again. This moment will forever haunt us. Three stars.

  • en

    Anne-Lys Walter


    Deplorable and dishonest services. The waitress scams her tourists. The price of the bill is higher than the price of the card and they add the supplements without asking our opinion. Quality / quantity ratio - disappointing price. 😡

  • en

    Nadine Busch


    Do not go here to drink cocktails. I ordered a Caipirinha and what I got was what felt like a really small lemonade. A very expensive, small lemonade. Ofcourse we were planning to pay the 10% service charge, but the waitress kept about 20% service charge without telling us. She obviously wanted to trick us “dumb tourists" and gave us much less change than what would have been appropriate.

  • Mirela Jasic

    Mirela Jasic


    This experience was beyond anything we expected. First we ordered 2 Mojitos, but not only they served us something that was not a Mojito at all, but in BOTH glasses were some flys diving around in the glasses. When we told the waitress, that there were flys in our drinks, she took them back to the bar, but immediatly started arguing about weather there were flys or not with the bartender - who was really rude to her and also made us uncomfortable (and of course there were flys in the drinks!). It was very unpleasing and made us wander if we should even drink the new drinks - in case we should ever get some... (btw they never found their way to our table, because the waitress and the bartender could not stop arguing about weather there were some flys in the NEW drinks or not - I guess there were some, the waitress was trying to show them to the bartender with her phonelight!! It was crazy!!) Meanwhile we got the burgers we ordered. The fries were swimming in oil - I am usually not that sensitive about oily fries but the fries looked like little sponges soaked with oil. We could not eat them. And the burger: Let s say we have eaten bad burgers at some funky places, but this one was beyond anything we have experienced yet. So please do not go to that place!! There are so many nice Restaurants in Jerusalem - do not make this mistake! We have payed but we left the food on the table.

  • rvv rmm

    rvv rmm


    Perfect place for having a beer. Very easy going staff.

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