Shlomo Sixt Car Return в לוד

ИзраильShlomo Sixt Car Return



🕗 время открытия

Воскресеньеоткрыт 24 часа
Понедельникоткрыт 24 часа
Вторникоткрыт 24 часа
Средаоткрыт 24 часа
Четверготкрыт 24 часа
Пятницаоткрыт 24 часа
Субботаоткрыт 24 часа
טרמינל 3 נתב"ג, לוד, Israel
контакты телефон: +972 3-977-3500
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 31.9874743, Longitude: 34.9014556

Комментарии 5

  • Andrey Yruski

    Andrey Yruski


    Stay away. The worst car rental experience, and they overcharge us $60 cleaning fees for leaving one bottle of water on the passenger seat, otherwise the car was as clean as we got it.

  • en

    Eyal Har-Gil


    Very disappointed with their service at the airport. I had to wait over half an hour for the shuttle to the terminal. Almost missed my flight. The driver was rude and drove like crazy, and didn't help with loading and unloading the luggage. And.....was waiting for tips. Really??? Not!!

  • Jesse S

    Jesse S


    Scam central. Beware. If you travel from the US, note that this company will not honor your credit card's own insurance benefit. They will sell you their insurance even though it's unnecessary. We clarified this with our CC prior to travel and they issued a letter of clarification, specifically covering rentals in Israel. When we picked up the vehicle at 1am the rental agency refused to honor our insurance, which works anywhere in the world (based on many other past experiences). ShlomoSixt, however, chooses to ignore acceptable international business norms in the name of ripping people off. They wouldn't cancel or refund the prepaid reservation. When we dropped off the vehicle the following week, weather was cold (10c) and front-passanger tire indicated low pressure. We did not have a flat tire. No raptures what-so-ever. The weed smoking, check-in agent said "don't worry my friend", as an Israeli I know I should worry when the "don't worry..." comes out. We walked in to the office to check in the vehicle, and the agent said that there's missing air, but I shouldn't worry because if they need to, they will charge it back to my insurance. I ask them why would they rip off the insurance or anyone for missing air? This is wear and tear at best! Again, the soothing "don't worry" came out and at that point, I knew to keep an eye on my CC statement. Lo and behold, the worry free charge of 70 shekel came.... for missing air. All after I was assured twice with the reassuring "don't worry". This is taking advantage to the max. We had an amazing time in Israel, everything was perfect! Except for ShlomoSixt. Do not ruin your vacation over this scam rental company. Finally, I will further pursue this with Israel's Department of Tourism so that they know to keep an eye on this fraudulent company.

  • Anton R

    Anton R


    Service is not so bad but not so good , but ok. A/C working well allready, lol.

  • Sascha Hartung

    Sascha Hartung


    Hot office without A/C. It seems to be impossible to get a receipt telling that everything was OK with the returned car. The Minibus for the transfer to the terminal building was from stone age, safety belts not working, dirty, and again no A/C. Sixt is OK in Germany... but in Israel you should rent a car elsewhere.

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