Royal Wing Hotel в Jerusalem

ИзраильRoyal Wing Hotel


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Zeev Vilnay 8, Jerusalem, 91033, Израиль
контакты телефон: +972 2-659-9999
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 31.7829483, Longitude: 35.1958866

Комментарии 5

  • en

    Akiva Pollack


    A beautiful hotel. Our entire group greatly enjoyed our stay.

  • en

    Haylee Magin


    Would give it 0 stars if I could. Hotel was booked for 3 days on an 11 day tour. Got our room keys, 3 out of 3 did not work. Went back to the desk to get them fixed and went up to our room. Upon entering the 7th floor, there was an extremely strong and overpowering smell of sewage and feces. Many people in our group were complaining about the smell and trying to find the source. A manager was called and nothing was done. Our room, was totally filthy. Hair on the toilet seat, mirror was dirty, phone covered in dirty handprints with dirt caked around the buttons. Used the bathroom, flushed and heard a knock on the door. After answering the door, a man told us that there was water leaking out of our room. The only water we had used, was to flush the toilet. Needless to say, we had figured the source of the leak and the overwhelming stench. So we went to the front desk, after 15 minutes we were given a different room on the 6th floor. After inspecting this room we had discovered, feces all over the side and bottom of the toilet, the faucet was filthy and covered in soap and water spots, furniture was poorly cleaned. Mirrors are filthy with handprints and water spots. The carpet has visible stains and chewing gum ground into it. Bedding has stains all over it. Door has streak marks all over it as if it was wiped with a dirty cloth. Drawers are full of dirt and debris. Luggage rack was covered in dirt and dust, clothes line in the shower will only hold a pair of socks and then begins to sag.

  • ofir shlifer

    ofir shlifer


    Nice hotel, decent food with access to nearby hotel amazing pool. Rooms are clean and spacious. Recommended

  • nl

    Cobie Cleveringa


    Aan een hele drukke weg ! Kamers niet heel schoon ! Eten wel goed !

  • en

    Kris Liebergen


    I arrived at this hotel with low expectations, based on the other reviews. However, we were very pleased with the hotel. The halls may have smelled of a little smoke, but the rooms were clean, comfortable and not musty. The dinner food and service was quite good.

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