Rothschild Luxury Suite Haifa в Haifa

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ИзраильRothschild Luxury Suite Haifa



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Воскресеньеоткрыт 24 часа
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40, Tel Mane Street, 3436632, Haifa, Haifa, IL Israel
контакты телефон: +972 50-573-9533
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 32.7856864, Longitude: 34.9796981

Комментарии 5

  • טלי ויינשטיין

    טלי ויינשטיין


    The apartment is in a central area and good for those who come with a car (free parking). Everything was clean and Iris was lovely and very helpful. For improvement: 1. Small things such as: liquid soap in the shower, a new sponge for dishes and a kitchen towel. 2. The water flow is weak, in my eyes requires repair 3. The bed is a soft spring bed, for one or two nights it is not terrible The apartment is simple and to the point. For those who are interested in showering and sleeping, especially if coming with children, it is excellent and we will be happy to return and stay there.

  • Edwin Slonim

    Edwin Slonim


    Minimal kitchenette, nice bathroom.

  • Donald Rough

    Donald Rough


    It was a pleasure to stay here. The location supports beautiful views and amenities that are close enough to walk too. Very nice private yard and comfortable living area. If the property was a little more up to date, I would have given 5 stars but very good value for the money.

  • Igor Zeiger

    Igor Zeiger


    First of all, we were unpleasantly surprised that the Apartment, that is advertised as two bedroom apartment, is in fact a one bedroom apartment. It was a major inconvenience, since we came with our mother and she had to stay in the common area. Also, there is no balcony, despite being advertised so. There are some chairs on the totally ran down patio near the entrance to the building, literally 1 meter from the major road without direct access from the apartment itself. You have to go outside of the apartment and then go outside of the building to be able to sit there. Also, don't be tempted by the name - there is nothing "Luxury" in this property. It is clean and serves its purpose to sleep at night and take a shower, but nothing more

  • Shai Israel

    Shai Israel


    The apartment was pretty easy to find and we had enough parking spots on the street. The apartment itself is nice and well equipped, but there were a few small things that we didn't like. There was a strong smell of smoking when we entered and there was a power outlet that was completely out of the wall. The water pressure in the shower was also not that great and the main shower head didn't work. The mattress was Ikea or some sort, so if you have back problems I would rethink it. The location is right by Carmel hospital but very quiet during the day and night. The owner was very nice and very accessible by phone.

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