קופת חולים מכבי - יבנה в Yavne

Израильקופת חולים מכבי - יבנה


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1, Giborei ha-Khayil Street, Yavne, Rehovot, IL Israel
контакты телефон: +972
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Latitude: 31.8690108, Longitude: 34.7426597

Комментарии 5

  • אנג'לינה ברלין

    אנג'לינה ברלין


    Maccabi Health Fund at the address of the corps' heroes, Yavneh branch, conducting office services under all criticism !! I got to visit a few branches in different cities and get good and pleasant service from representatives sitting there. But this particular branch which is my "home" branch just gives contemptuous treatment and not for the first time! If I got to the point where I was sitting and writing such a review a sign that water had risen to the soul !! It is very unfortunate that the representatives sitting there do not know how to be empathetic and suffer from a lack of services and the last thing they want is to give service! Especially one specific secretary that I would be happy to transfer her name to Maccabi but unfortunately that secretary did not give her last name even after she was asked several times! This is not the first time I have approached her and unfortunately every encounter with her ends in tears, and today my husband witnessed it! I am in my seventh month at risk of pregnancy and I came to her after I had an appointment for an examination at the Center for Women Pregnancy at Risk in Rishon Lezion - I was referred by the lovely doctors and secretariat of the center for further treatment at the hospital and for that all I needed was to go to my branch. . But the honorable lady received me impatiently and rolled her eyes when she heard that I had come for Form 17. The first thing I heard was first of all !! No !! Because I did not make an appointment to the hospital (I do not serially visit hospitals to be so hatched in any issue related to it and it is my first pregnancy and more at risk) so the minimum I deserve is that the representative will explain to me patiently and calmly what I should do and maybe even help and refer me (at least it The service I have received to date from the other branches) but all I have heard from it is not and short answers in an unpleasant intonation! I will not begin to detail here the whole chain of events in front of her but can certainly say that this girl is not helpful and not at all pleasant. In my eyes she should not be sitting there at all! You do not know how to approach people, so it's not yours! Every time I sit and wait for the doctor I hear her talking impatiently to clients especially to adults! I'm really considering moving a branch and it's a shame because the doctors there are good! And MaccabiDent's team is also a great name, but because of such representations, you definitely do not want to stay and receive such treatment! 👎🏽👎🏽👎🏽👎🏽👎🏽👎🏽 # Maccabisnifivne

  • שלמה ל.

    שלמה ל.


    Fast and excellent service in the laboratory. A nurse named Anna urgently recorded the tests and also called to make sure the results had indeed arrived. Well done!!!!!

  • ריטה דוד

    ריטה דוד


    Excellent service

  • Daniel Patyuk

    Daniel Patyuk


    A very nice, tidy, and beautiful place. When I visited there I received good treatment.

  • Hila Henig

    Hila Henig


    Sabba Clinic. There is also a pharmacy.

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