פיס אוף קייק - לוד в Lod

Израильפיס אוף קייק - לוד



🕗 время открытия

8, Eliyahu Golomb Street, 7122408, Lod, Ramla, IL Israel
контакты телефон: +972 8-699-1444
Веб-сайт: lod.pieceofcake.co.il
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 31.954199, Longitude: 34.8974342

Комментарии 5

  • אורי ברנדלר

    אורי ברנדלר


    לוד מטפסת לאט אבל בכיוון טוב לקולינריה עממית מקומית ביתית.. גם הוויה בלוד בימים של שקט מאפשר להנות מפסיםס אורבני אדריכלי נעים.. המקום אומנם חלק מרשת , אבל ארוחת הבוקר שייכת לזכיין; והיא נקיה טריה טובה. מוגשת עם חיוך . המקום נקי חדיש מעוצב בטוב. בהצלחה

  • עידו ארד

    עידו ארד


    Excellent, delicious pastries, good coffee, excellent service, looks like a cafe really and not just a bakery, inviting and fun to sit. I will definitely go back to buy there.

  • נטע



    We were impressed by the selection of pastries, the pleasant atmosphere and the design of the place. The food we ordered was very nice, although the prices were a bit high for our liking. The place still needs improvement in all sorts of ways, but by and large we would go back there.

  • Zehavit Levi

    Zehavit Levi


    The ownership of the place is part of the experience. Great attitude and service, everything is really delicious, addictive A varied and special double breakfast

  • Hila Cohen

    Hila Cohen


    On the face of it the place is inviting, warm and homey. We ordered the food - self-service from the moment the order is placed until it is picked up at the table. Okay, you can live with that. The breakfast dips are delicious. We ordered a double breakfast and received only one serving of eggs: 2 eye eggs when usually in other places we get 4- 2 each. The staff explained that this is how it is when a meal costs 90 shekels, and that I will improve to add money and get more eggs. We would do it, if the eggs were edible. At first it was very burnt down to a level that could not be put in the mouth because of the bitterness. The team tried to improve the situation, really tried, only the egg that came later as a replacement so swam in the oil, that it was a heart attack instead. We got more oily soup than an egg. The crew, seeing the look on my face, hurried to replace the eggs again. Only we have reached the starting point. That's shrewd !!!!! We did not touch the eggs and ran away in disgrace. Trying to please us with a box of cookies was cute, but not enough. Instead of answering us with a laconic answer that calms down a meal for NIS 90, as if they are doing us a favor with a seemingly discounted price - you will learn to work in the kitchen. Every amateur should know that eggs are made in a non-stick pan - otherwise it will not work. It turned out that we also paid for a special taxi especially there because public transport is just a nightmare, we also paid for a meal and also left very hungry. Haa haa, something else. It only comes with tea. If you want coffee - add money. With all the extras it comes out like morning in another place, just without the pleasure and satiety. And it is said - the cheapest is expensive.

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