פרופ' יאיר מורד - רופא עיניים לילדים, מומחה פזילה Prof. Yair Morad - Eye Clinic в Rishon LeTsiyon

Израильפרופ' יאיר מורד - רופא עיניים לילדים, מומחה פזילה Prof. Yair Morad - Eye Clinic



🕗 время открытия

33, Lazarov Street, Rishon LeTsiyon, Rehovot, IL Israel
контакты телефон: +972 3-941-3368
Веб-сайт: www.pzila.com
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 31.991863, Longitude: 34.7750457

Комментарии 5

  • שי ברין

    שי ברין


    פרופ' מורד, תודה לכם על טיפול מקצועי ואישי! אני ממליץ מאוד.

  • Talia7080



    We were with a child in June 2018. At that time, the child had a decrease in vision, he studied in the first grade, he was already prescribed glasses to -1.5 and I was worried that there were problems at school, he could not write off from the board, he was always put in the last places, far from the board. We were advised to go to this clinic from school. We came to the professor and after a suspicious check, he so happily informed us that his son was all right, his eyesight had improved, he assured us that there were no problems and wrote out a prescription for glasses at -0.5. Since September, the child began to behave strangely at school, problems and meetings began at school, then commissions. The director of the school insisted that we do the checks (ariya's bdikat) and we did it at the end of December 2018. The child's vision was reduced to -1.75, we were referred to an orthometrist. and then we went to another eye specialist. A child in the third grade developed ASTIGMATISM, vision decreased to -3.5, one eye above. Now he is constantly wearing glasses and the specialist managed to stop the decline in vision. I don’t know where he is a professor. But I am extremely unhappy with this place, it was enough for me to be there once. As proof, I have all the documents. If they can be so wrong there ...

  • אסף בלילטי

    אסף בלילטי


    The most kind and nice doctor I have ever met !! So relaxing talking at eye level and smiling! Heartfelt thanks to the clinic staff and the nice professor ❤️ :)

  • אסף לביא

    אסף לביא


    Thanks to Prof. Mord for perfect strabismus surgery for my daughter, Noa. We reached Professor Mourad with a lot of concerns. The professor recommended strabismus surgery (same as the previous opinion we received). We finally decided to do the surgery with Prof. Mord. The results are great - the eye is not surprisingly symmetrical! Thank you for great human relations and professional care. Surely we made a great choice!

  • nurit dror

    nurit dror


    In 2011 I developed Graves' disease, after 11 years of hypothyroidism. The disease affected the eyes that began to swell, protrude severely, strabismus and severe double vision developed. A long saga of surgeries began - thyroidectomy and eye surgeries ("compression" surgeries and surgeries to correct the hard squint and double vision). I came to Professor Mored to do another squint surgery, on the warm recommendation of my angelic ophthalmologist from the Maccabi Health Fund at the Madgav branch, Dr. Landa. I left the first meeting with Prof. Morad with the feeling and a lot of faith that he would do everything in order for my condition to improve. The surgery I got up from showed a significant improvement in the appearance of my eyes. Professor rebukes pull and pull on the fitting wires, knot and pull .... My path to a speedy recovery is not over yet, but it has been significantly shortened with the incredible help of Professor Mored, who brings me closer to my goal - to bring my life back to life and the direct view of life, literally. Thanks to Professor Mored and the wonderful staff!

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