🕗 opening times
Sunday | open 24 hours | |||||
Monday | open 24 hours | |||||
Tuesday | open 24 hours | |||||
Wednesday | open 24 hours | |||||
Thursday | open 24 hours | |||||
Friday | open 24 hours | |||||
Saturday | open 24 hours |
Nesher, Israel
contacts phone: +972
larger map & directionsLatitude: 32.7682535, Longitude: 35.0305387
ืื ื ืืจื
::ืืื ืฉืืืืืืืื ืื ืืืงืืื ืืช ืืืื ืฉืืื ืืืชื, ืืืฉ ืืืื ืืืื! ืืืืื ืื ืืืงืื ืฉืจืืชืื ืฆืืืืจืืื ืืืงืื, ืื ืืคืืืช ืืื ืืืช!
fdx fddx
::ืืงืื ืืื. ื ืขืื ืืืืื. ืจืืืข ืืืื. ืฉื ื ืืฉืจื ืคืืื ืืขื ืืืื ืืืืขืจ ืืืจืืง. ืืืื ืืืข. ืฉืื ืฉื ืืื ืื ืืื ืชืจืื ืืืืช ืืืืืืืช.
Hilla Kramer
::ืขืืืก ืืืจืืฃ, ืืื ืืกืคืืง ืืงืืืืช ืื ืื. ืฆืจืื ืืงืืช ืืืฉืืื ืฉืืืืื ืขื ืืืืจ ืืืฉืจืื ืืืื ืื ืืืืฆืื ืืช ืืืืืฉ, ืืืืื ืืงืืช ืฉืขื ืืขืืืืช ืืืจืืืืช. ืืขืืืชื ืขื ืืืืื. ืืงืืช ืขืืืืช ืืื ืฉืืื. ืืื ืืืกืื ืขื ืชืืงืื ืืฆืืื ืืืช (ืืื ืื ืื ืขืืืก, ืื ืืชื ืืืืืข ืืื ืืื ืืคื ืืื) ืืืื ืืืืืช ื ืืื, ืื ืืืืื ืืกืืคื ืฉืืืข ืขืืืกืื.
Dmitry Rudoy
::Nice place for a picnic. Easily accessible from main roads, doesn't involve driving off-road. There are many stone tables in the area that are scarcely placed, so you don't "feel" the neighbors. One downside is that it's good only for picnics and you almost don't get any views
Aviel Ratzlav-Katz
::We went during the holidays. Don't make that mistake, it is very very crowded, almost too much to enjoy the place. It has some beautiful sights, but don't come expecting too much, the bridges are about 30 meters long and not too high up. It can be nice to come with children and you can probably spend up to 2 hours here.