Post Office в Jerusalem

ИзраильPost Office



🕗 время открытия

23, Jaffa Street, Jerusalem, IL Israel
контакты телефон: +972 1599-500171
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 31.7803199, Longitude: 35.222189

Комментарии 5

  • Paul Valadez Goldstein

    Paul Valadez Goldstein


    The Jaffa branch of the Israel Post Office is very helpful. This branch has banking options along with western union send/receive. I recomend you make an apointment online before comingas that is required for some services. It is also possible to rent a postal box. This service is very useful especially if you rent your home.

  • Michael Werner

    Michael Werner


    To be avoided at all costs. Rude, incompetent staff, glacial service, routinely lost mail.

  • Mr. Diaz

    Mr. Diaz


    Very incompetent service. I live in Armon Hanatziv and my package was sent here by mistake. I came and was told that I need to make an appointment even though the guy on the package window was not busy and chatting with his friend. Clearly he wasn't on break because he was sorting Mail as he chatted. The earliest appointment I could get was FOUR days from the time I came.

  • A. Biemond

    A. Biemond


    Terrible experience. Not allowed in. Apparently there is a trial that only allows access after an online appointment. Israeli Post website is a mess. How to make an appointment is nowhere to be found on the entire site. It keeps referring to pages in Hebrew which are abacadabra to any non-resident.

  • Cheryl Koevoet

    Cheryl Koevoet


    WORST experience in Jerusalem! I had to wait in the line outside for 90 minutes before I even reached the entrance, and it was at that point when I discovered why the wait was so long. The guards by the metal detector were letting certain citizens “cut” in line because they had the chutzpah to enter from the left door to circumvent the hordes of non-Israelis and other “riff-raff” patiently lining the block to enter through the main entrance on the right. I was finally the next in line to go in, but the guard stopped me and made me wait for another 10 minutes. During this time, I watched him allow another 5 “important” people to jump the line from the left side. These were patrons who then proceeded to take a number as apparently they were NOT there just to check their mailboxes!! Once inside, I had to take a number and wait another 40 minutes. The actual transaction took less than two minutes, but by the time I was out, it had taken nearly three hours to mail three cards! Never, EVER, am I going to that post office again, and you won’t either if your time is at all valuable to you!! Badly done, Israel Post!! BADLY DONE!! P.S. I should add that this was not my first experience here. I’ve been there several times before and every time its a long wait.

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