Paradise Village в דבורה

ИзраильParadise Village



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Субботаоткрыт 24 часа
7, משק, דבורה, יזרעאל, IL Israel
контакты телефон: +972 53-942-5729
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 32.551689, Longitude: 35.2624129

Комментарии 5

  • Bernardo Maiseleff

    Bernardo Maiseleff


    Already at the entrance to Mekum, there is a kind of flowerpot, which fertilizes at the entrance to an older man like me. At the entrance, there is one knitting, without any grip, a dangerous bit for old age, zakuzi in the bedroom, beauty, in the bathroom there is a shower, which does not let sit in the toilet, not only there is no space, which is also not well occupied in the floor, water People have children. In short, "not recommended."

  • scorp 2000

    scorp 2000


    0 stars! The photos he exhibited are old ones that do not correspond to the truth. I have added my photos. The master is a deceiver and a liar! When they pointed out the inconsistency between promises and reality, he brazenly argued his case. Luckily for me, all the conversations were recorded. The most unpleasant thing was that the house for children and parents was separated by a road with cars. The owner Zeev knew about our plans to accommodate the children and never mentioned this detail anywhere. Bed so ... that we went and bought a new one! ... and so on throughout the list. Then he set conditions that he would not return the deposit and we could get out. And we are 9 people with 3 children 6-7 and after the trip at 4 o'clock. Where to twitch? We decided that we would not let us spoil our vacation for which we had been saving up for so long. We decided that everything is returned and this person will receive what he deserves. Naturally, during these 4 days, he behaved disgustingly and did everything through a favor (for example, to give clean towels). There is no strength and desire to write everything listing, but believe me ... the impressions are still the same. The only outlet was the good quality small pool and our attitude. We are not one of those who know how to knock out compensation later. The main thing is that you are warned and can choose.

  • גבי מזור הנדסת חשמל

    גבי מזור הנדסת חשמל


    The place is not suitable for human habitation let alone as a hospitality site. Neglected, dirty, nil maintenance, sloping floors and old mattresses. Keeping his soul .....

  • Martin Litmanovich

    Martin Litmanovich


    Terrible and unrenovated place, the pictures from 10 years ago, broken and old furniture, in the beds the springs come out, human relations on the floor, small and broken showers, the fridge does not work well and when we complained their excuse was "you put in a grocery fridge". The place is unstoppable does not recommend and the only star just for the blessing.

  • Oleg Kaploun

    Oleg Kaploun


    Bed: 1. Relatively close to the center of the country 2. Simply excellent pool Disadvantages : 1. Maintenance and cleanliness of the units requires improvement 2. Also some furniture at times 3. Sometimes there are unpleasant odors from both the nearby barn and a sewer system that is probably a bit fake and unable to withstand loads. But the bottom line - the pool and location + superior owner ratio is far more important to me than the maintenance of buildings. We adults do see it, but for kids who actually come, it doesn't really matter the smell of a cowshed or a broken armchair ..

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