🕗 opening times
Sunday | - | |||||
Monday | - | |||||
Tuesday | - | |||||
Wednesday | - | |||||
Thursday | - | |||||
Friday | closed | |||||
Saturday | closed |
contacts phone: +972 1-800-500-210
larger map & directionsLatitude: 32.1151228, Longitude: 35.0322559
Foxyhome makelaars
::They were not honest to me. I was a lone student with zero family in Israel and very vurnerable. The last year of my studies, they forbid me to live in the moanot. I asked why and they said there was no place. I knew they were lying. I was all alone in Israel and had no place to stay. That last year I survived at a friends place in Benei Brak, but Orot with Rav Felix hurt me that much, I decided to go back to The Netherlands at the end of my studies and I did. If they hadn't trew me out of the moanot, I'd still live in Israel. I guess I'm the only teacher in Holland with a teudat Horaรกh for English and Yesodot Ha'emuna from Orot Israel! And after al these still hurts as hell. So girls: don't go to Orot. They are dishonest and drop Olim girls who are all alone in Israel.
David Ben
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ืขืืืื ืคืจืฉ
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Assaf Borenstein
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