מישפוחם - צימר משפחתי בירוחם в Yeruham

Израильמישפוחם - צימר משפחתי בירוחם


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4, Nahal Shu'alim Street, 80500, Yeruham, Be'er Sheva, IL Israel
контакты телефон: +972 52-720-4729
Веб-сайт: indoor-lodging-1928.business.site
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 30.9863, Longitude: 34.923635

Комментарии 5

  • Rivka Zangen

    Rivka Zangen


    Great B&B, well-equipped, beautiful, modern and cozy. Great location for hiking. There is nothing missing in it! warmly recommended!

  • merav adler

    merav adler


    A great experience in a spacious, clean B&B, with thought for every detail. Designed and comfortable. We were a family of 6 people and enjoyed a moment of power. Warm and nice hosts. Highly recommend, Thank you The Adler family

  • רעות וויספר

    רעות וויספר


    The B&B is beautiful, invested and well-equipped. We enjoyed

  • Liorit Opatowsky

    Liorit Opatowsky


    We stayed in the unit 4 adults and 7 children very comfortably !! The hosts provided us with 2 more mattresses in the living room, beyond the 5 beds in the nursery. The hospitality was warm and cordial, the apartment was comfortable, spacious, clean and pleasant highly recommend!

  • Yanai Mozes

    Yanai Mozes


    BOTTOM LINE: Mishpucham hosting unit is perfect for anyone who wishes to hike and have a vacation at Yeruham vicinity (HaMakhtesh HaGadol, HaMakhtesh HaKatan, Sde Boker and Makhtesh/Mitzpe Ramon). The unit is fully equipped and the owners are very friendly and welcoming Stayed at Mishpucham at Yeruham for 3 nights (April 7th-10th, 2021). Since we were 5 hikers who wanted to hike at Yeruham vicinity for 3 days, Mishpucham hosting unit was perfect as a base for our hikes. It is 20 minutes ride from Sde Boker, 10-15 minutes ride from HaMakhtesh HaGadol and 40 minutes ride from Makhtesh/Mitzpe Ramon. The unit is located at Yeruham, at the basement floor of the owners house. The unit has 8 beds (1 bunk bed + 2 twin beds + 1 queen bed), its kitchen is fully equipped with gas stove, oven, refrigerator, plates, silverware, pots, microwave, coffee machine, dining table for 12 people. There is a yard (shared with the owners) with a dining table and a grill. Another amenities: 1) air-condition in all rooms 2) Towels are provided and shower is gas-heated 3) WIFI 4) Kosher and non-Kosher grill 5) TV + Netflix 6) beddings (pillows, blankets, etc.) The unit is very clean and spacious, beds are comfortable. There is plenty of parking close to the unit and there is a grocery near by. The owners (Avi and Aliza) are very friendly, welcoming and helpful. They always tried to address our requests/concerns and make sure our stay is to our satisfaction. Originally, we planned to stay at Mishpucham on February, but since there was a bad weather that week, we had to postpone our stay. There was no penalty for postponing our stay and the cost hasn't changed as well. Totally (3 nights x 5 people), it cost 2400 NIS (including VAT) which is a great price-for-value. Please keep in mind that since the nature of the neighborhood, where the unit is located at, is traditional/religious, using the grill at the yard on Friday after sunset is NOT allowed as well as playing music on high volume.

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