Multidisciplinary Medical Center Seven Eyes в Be'er Sheva

ИзраильMultidisciplinary Medical Center Seven Eyes



🕗 время открытия

10, Yitshak Ben Zvi Street, Be'er Sheva, Be'er Sheva, IL Israel
контакты телефон: +972 8-626-7777
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 31.2433289, Longitude: 34.7991692

Комментарии 5

  • ori aharon

    ori aharon


    The surgery itself was just fine, but the conduct around is outrageous. The secretariat is indifferent. Make an appointment for a certain time and you will be delayed. After the first week I asked for sick days and waited for them longer than I waited for the test itself. In short, we must work on services and efficiency !!

  • טניה זולוייב

    טניה זולוייב


    Terrible treatment and carelessness I have never received as I received from the clerk named Orr, who does not want to answer questions and help with the simple things, that she is in her workplace.

  • Ilan Firer

    Ilan Firer


    Very poor service, representatives talk to you disparagingly, lie inside after investing in treatment get disrespected doctors from others for appointments and blame patients

  • TATANKA a.k.a bar hatzor

    TATANKA a.k.a bar hatzor


    I called the clinic to make an appointment with an orthopedic doctor, who works in an arrangement with the HMO. I explained to the secretary that I needed to have surgery and because there is a load on Soroka, I am looking for a surgeon who will do it privately with the participation of the fund. I detailed exactly the type of surgery, so that there would be no misunderstandings. After an examination, the secretary made an appointment with Dr. Moskowitz. Surprisingly, when I arrived at the queue, it turned out that the same doctor was not in agreement with the HMO regarding surgeries (although I explained to the secretary the check the details of the surgery and I already had a referral). After the incident I talked to two managers and explained that it could not be, that I ask for x and get y. I also paid a deductible and the assignment to a private doctor through the fund was wasted. Other than poor excuses (the secretary does not know, yes knows blah blah) and the transfer of responsibility to me, I received no answer or solution to the situation. Shame and disgrace that this is the attitude in the State of Israel to patients, certainly in a private clinic. Do not recommend anyone to approach there. A repulsive place with a degrading attitude !!

  • Sharon Hammerschlag

    Sharon Hammerschlag


    Excellent 👌 and very friendly 👍. Very clean.

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