מרפאת שיניים באשדוד - I Smile רפואת שיניים מומחים וכללית в Ashdod

Израильמרפאת שיניים באשדוד - I Smile רפואת שיניים מומחים וכללית



🕗 время открытия

28, Sderot HaPrahim, Ashdod, Ashkelon, IL Israel
контакты телефон: +972 72-211-2672
Веб-сайт: www.ismile.co.il
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 31.7854163, Longitude: 34.6508253

Комментарии 5

  • טלי חייט אבירז

    טלי חייט אבירז


    Many thanks to Dr. Aviva for an effective professional and dedicated care for my 11 year old daughter ... or as my heart said after the treatment she is not a doctor she is a fairy. Highly recommended.

  • אורטל דדון

    אורטל דדון


    First of all, this is a clinic of first-rate specialists with high professionalism, personal care and special treatment that not only my son received. Everyone who enters the clinic receives a service and treatment that there is no such thing !!!! I arrived at the Smiley Islands Clinic with anxieties and fears like any other mother and to my delight I was greeted in front of the stunning secretary with a golden heart Tami who took care to calm down and caress and give a kind word We started treatments at the Smiley Islands Clinic in the possession of Dr. Rita our guardian angel after many recommendations my son had an accident and as a result got a severe mouth injury that every specialist who examined us was startled by the sights that were my son After inquiries, I was privileged to go to the Smiley Islands clinic and my son was able to have his mouth repaired by their experts, who are not in the whole country with a commitment ... I thank God for guiding me to the right place.

  • תמי מור גז

    תמי מור גז


    Thank you so much Dr. Rita. Mikey (age 6) says you're just a magician. Thank you for receiving it immediately after he fell and was injured in the front teeth. Thank you for the warm personal and dedicated care, to you and the entire clinic staff🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  • Rita Kremer

    Rita Kremer


    Very disappointed with Madar Rita and all the conduct in the clinic !! Do not recommend. I came to her with a toothache and was willing to pay the exorbitant prices she demanded and just let the pain go. After unsuccessful treatment I was promised a certain amount back to the account. Despite the money not being put in, Rita denies responsibility claiming it has nothing to do with what her clerk Tammy promises, even though she knows very well that the treatment did not help. Does not answer phones or messages. Do not go near there !!! 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

  • Aurelie Assouline

    Aurelie Assouline


    Worst dentist ever, very bad service, very high cost, they gave me an appointment let me wait 2 hours and then ask me to come back another day after changing the cost 2 times, not recomended

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