מרכז מסירת דואר в Ramat Gan

Израильמרכז מסירת דואר



🕗 время открытия

6, Etsel Street, Ramat Gan, IL Israel
контакты телефон: +972
Веб-сайт: israelpost.co.il
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 32.0661676, Longitude: 34.8297289

Комментарии 5

  • Jonathan Bluestein

    Jonathan Bluestein


    The review I am writing is for the large storage room used for mail delivery, adjacent to the post office (Etzel 6 CBS Post Office). I have been coming there for several months and am very pleased with the service. The key is to arrive in the afternoon when there is less congestion. I never had to wait over 5 minutes. The service is always courteous. Heaven and Earth compared to the nearby post office, where the service is horribly horrible and slow. At this delivery center also do not make drama of all the tyrannical government decisions in the days of the Corona. Look at the picture of the sign I took from there - what a beauty! :-)

  • mandy jones

    mandy jones


    The horror of a distribution point. Crazy queues and the packages are waiting by name, which means that if you wrote say first name, they will not find your package alive. Got your package back? They do not know. If they do not find, they answer that Chanarta is what happened. If you can ship somewhere else, do it

  • Eran Menashri

    Eran Menashri


    While the corona is waiting outside. There is no roofing outside of any kind nor a speaker or information screen so everyone comes in from time to time to assess how much time they have left. Waiting time is usually between 30-50 minutes. The service itself is reasonable. It is recommended to take a photo of your note or at least write down the package number because it is likely that after you collect it you will also receive a second message and arrive at the place again for another 45 minutes in the sun just to get a scolding look of "But you have already collected the package!" depression.

  • משה ר.

    משה ר.


    Nothing to do, need patience. This is a small place that caters to a lot of customers. Despite the great pressure, the employees are very nice and do their best.

  • Photo Journalist

    Photo Journalist


    Long line, slow service waiting in the sun, winter and exposed to the weather elements, hot and cold weather. Terrible service in this Third World Country, people stuck on long lines during the Covid-19 Pandemic, and no garbage politician really care! If I’ve helped, thank you for clicking the “LIKE” button! My Ratings: Service 0*, Comfort 0* A SPECIAL DUNG AWARDS 💩 💩💩

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