מרכז השתלות שיניים בנתניה-דייר גל ולדיסלב. в Netanya

Израильמרכז השתלות שיניים בנתניה-דייר גל ולדיסלב.



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טום לנטוס 26,כניסה A,קומה 1, Netanya, Israel
контакты телефон: +972 9-749-5328
Веб-сайт: www.doctorgal.co.il
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 32.3069382, Longitude: 34.869091

Комментарии 5

  • קרולינה טולצ'ינסקי

    קרולינה טולצ'ינסקי


    Today I was at your clinic, must praise Dr. Marina was so helpful, kind explained everything gave me perfect treatment along with radiation just no professional words and service no doubt I tell you all and I will recommend you all !!! Lovely staff !!

  • Rami Ben Shalom

    Rami Ben Shalom


    The place itself looks very nice, the staff are nice but unfortunately the clinic has no respect for the client's time. I arrived a few minutes before the scheduled appointment for dental cleaning, she had already been treated inside. I informed the secretary that I had arrived at the queue and told me to please wait in the waiting area. I waited 30 minutes, I would expect such a waiting time at some health fund and not at a private clinic that the price is also twice as much. Of course it was possible to be notified before I arrived of any delay and then I myself would have arrived later, but chose not to do so. Due to the utter disregard for my time I decided to get up and go without performing the treatment, the medic tried to persuade me to stay but I refused, I do not intend to pay for a service I do not receive on time.

  • Serg O

    Serg O


    Dr. Gal is a wonderful thinking specialist working in a superbly equipped center. All procedures and all checks, including scans, are carried out on site. But the main thing is the doctor's attitude, his desire and willingness to solve complex problems and at the same time explain to the client. I was so afraid of doing prosthetics that I delayed solving my problems for many years. The doctor not only helped me to solve the accumulated problems, but also made it as comfortable as possible and, most importantly, it is clear, both in terms of understanding the stages of treatment and in terms of financial costs.

  • Michael Adelberg

    Michael Adelberg


    Dr. Gal has made going to the dentist with very complex dental problems a joy. The professionalism, expertise and personal approach are exceptional. He always fixes the problem in the most efficient way. I can highly recommend this dentist for everyone.

  • Elena Galcnhenko

    Elena Galcnhenko


    Very good dentist

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