מפעלי גדנסקי בעמ в Netanya

Израильמפעלי גדנסקי בעמ



🕗 время открытия

24, David Pinkas Street, 42377, Netanya, HaSharon, IL Israel
контакты телефон: +972 9-862-9999
Веб-сайт: gdansky.business.site
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 32.3191031, Longitude: 34.8739248

Комментарии 5

  • Yhoram Lev

    Yhoram Lev


    Zion Service has most of the products instead of reliable delivery Good price Warranty A place that always comes back and remembers you

  • יואב טל

    יואב טל


    I ordered through the Sukkah store and upgrades for about 1200 shekels Just a shame of a contemptible store !! Waiting for the courier until 02.00 in the morning after talking to the courier, I was asked to come to Be'er Sheva from another city in closure !! After I paid for delivery to the house, picking up the sukkah myself from the carrier was just a joke After the carrier and customer service realized I was not ready to go anywhere I was told he was coming another hour (03:00 in the morning) and disappeared contemptuous service did not answer the phones .. the order was canceled. .Do not recommend lack of professionalism, lack of services !!! Promising and not fulfilling !! Constantly busy and even when clocks hang up !!! The carriers say they are on their way with the goods and do not answer the phone and do not arrive !!! For successful clients ... I do not recommend

  • אבי כהן

    אבי כהן


    I ordered a sukkah from Gdanski through a salute. Unfortunately I will spend the holiday without a sukkah since they did not provide it.

  • Shahar Matityahu

    Shahar Matityahu


    Service needs improvement Until you get your credit card all ten and then you look for them I ordered a succah with shipping Since every day I have been calling to ask what is going on with the shipment Didn't bother to come back to me and last time they brought me a number of leads I called the initiator to understand when he was coming He gives time that I am not at all and says that the money on the transport is in any case getting and I don't care if the sukkah is delivered or not All this without coinciding with me neither a day nor an hour Except for the matter of shipments The order was fine, although the shingles were apparently torn and rusted on some of the skeleton's iron It is also important to note that the price was cheap and so was the shipping price I ordered a 3 * 2 awning, thatch, wooden beams, decorations, lighting fixtures, handcuffs, 10 meter LED strip and synthetic grass at 1270 NIS including shipping

  • אדי בורוכוב

    אדי בורוכוב


    I was trying to get a response from a friend for a whole day when the shipment arrives at what time and all the time I was just told and cut off in the face at the end of the messenger calls me a quarter of an hour to Japanese and he tells me to come down to take the sukkah I said I am not home and I can tell if 3 small children and can not go down So he replied I don't care I will dump her at the entrance to the building my shipping I will nevertheless receive !! There is no service Nothing takes money on shipping and throwing the product out of the house without seeing the customer just come to the address and throw the product there but advertise shipping if courier to home Service shit and I'm no longer talking about the product which is also garbage in life anymore don't buy in this place !!

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