Mor Travel в Herzliya

ИзраильMor Travel



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71, HaNadiv Street, 4648583, Herzliya, IL Israel
контакты телефон: +972 9-774-7923
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 32.170418, Longitude: 34.8316479

Комментарии 5

  • אלין בן חמו

    אלין בן חמו


    Clean and tidy place, the clerk received me right after I registered on the computer, before there was one person in line and the examiner was more than lovely.

  • Biana Res

    Biana Res


    The clinic in Herzliya is simply horrible both in terms of order and organization and zero in human relations on the part of the staff who work there. Do not know at all how to approach people and very low service consciousness. Not recommended at all unless there is no choice

  • עדן ג'אן

    עדן ג'אן


    A horrible experience !!! Terrible mammography technician and shocking clerks Make an appointment for them a month later !, make sure I have all the details in front of them. a day!! Before the queue, I am called to cancel the queue because at the end a document is missing. Make an appointment for the month after !! There are no simple queues..I arrive in line with all the documents they requested !! The clerks answered with utter impatience, did a favor giving service and spoke in a very disgusting tone) ** I will mention that I arrived following a lump that was discovered so it is also a queue that is accompanied by a lot of stress and mixed emotions ** Again it is said that some sentence is missing in the documents given my young age. After the help of an angel from my HMO, who jumped a surgeon and it was harder for him to add what was needed, they agreed to accept me, after almost two hours. The clerk hands the technician the amended document, Molly. The technician takes the trouble at the height of her impudence to disparage the doctor and say that he is dumb and dumb and that he is sending me for an examination. At the beginning of the test, the technician clarified to me that it was usually a few photos, but she would only do two because she did not see the need to do more. After 2 photos she looked at the simulation of the results, frowned, and informed me that she would take more photos. In addition to all the existing stress - she added another load, it was very cold. I was also annoyed by her contempt, and the crooked look at the photographs and the addition of the photographs after she made it clear that she did not see the need for it - hurt me greatly and intensified the stress and anxiety on the subject. I will never go back there, and after reading the reviews of the place, I'm also sorry I did not read it before and pre-empt myself of this experience

  • Daniela Segenreich

    Daniela Segenreich


    Waiting for 2 hours altogether Part of the team at the office is very impolite

  • yaron k

    yaron k


    Worst place ever, had an appointment to 18:00 one hour after still waiting. Don't came here if you want to live a long and happy life.

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