مكتب بريد بني نعيم Bani Naim Post Office PS

Израильمكتب بريد بني نعيم Bani Naim Post Office



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Bani Naim, وسط البلد بالقرب من خزان المياه الرئيسي
контакты телефон: +970 2 221 8670
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Latitude: 31.5205631, Longitude: 35.1617088

Комментарии 5

  • Ismail YACOB

    Ismail YACOB


  • م-رزق نمر اسليمية

    م-رزق نمر اسليمية


    Bani Naim is an Arab city affiliated to the Hebron Governorate. It is located to the east of Hebron, approximately 7 km away, and is linked by several paved roads. During the Roman era, the town of Bani Naim was known as the fortified village of Kfar Brusha. And after the Arab Islamic conquest, it was known as Kafr Braik. When the Naimiyin tribe landed in southern Palestine, and a group of them settled in the area of ​​Kafr Brik, the village was attributed to them, and it became known since then as Bani Na'im. This town, a Canaanite Arab city, was mentioned in the obelisk of the Pharaoh Merniftah, under the name: Banu Aam. And in it were the Amalekites, a branch of Canaanite, who were called the Titans, and they were the ancestors of the Lakhmids, who were spread throughout Palestine. Thus it belonged to this Canaanite city: Benaam, most of the Naimi clans, as it was the original reservoir for these tribes, which spread in Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq and the Gulf, and they were branches of the Arab Canaanite tribes of Banu Lakhm. As for the second, historically documented story, it is the affiliation of the two Khalili Christian monks: Na`im and Tamim to the Banu Aam, who were the first to declare their Islam before the Messenger, and they returned secretly to Palestine during the Roman era. The Messenger granted them what is called in history: the feudalism of the Dari family. Older brother Tamim Al-Dari worked in Islamic jurisprudence, and his younger brother, Naim, was in charge of the land. That is why Naim al-Dari was affiliated with the Banu Aam, where he was buried in Khirbet Bani Dar, located in the present-day town of Bani Naim. Thus, there is no contradiction between the two narratives: it is likely that the city of Banu Am the Canaanite was linguistically distorted to Bani Na'im, or it was called by the name, since the beginning of Islam, in reference to Na'im al-Dari, so there is no contradiction, because Naim al-Dari originally belongs to the Banu Am Canaanite. Grapevine clusters were inscribed on Canaanite, Roman, and Byzantine stones. As for Palestine, the two peoples united in Palestine: the Philistine and the Canaanite, in the land of Palestine. Her name is mentioned many times in Herodotus, the Father of History, while there is no mention of the children of Israel in it at all. This has been added later. Musa bin Nasir Fatih Al-Andalus, who was born in this town, belongs to the town of Bani Naim. And it was famous for its grapes, Naimi figs, Naimi ghee, and marble, as the Naimi stone was built from which palaces were built in Palestine, Jordan and Iraq. The town of Bani Naim arose on a high spot in the Hebron Mountains, representing the eastern edge of the Hebron Plateau and is 970 meters above sea level. It consists of houses built of stone or cement, and their plan takes the shape of a rectangle that extends a northeastern extension? To the southwest, in an urban axis bordering the roads leading to Hebron. The city of Bani Naim includes commercial shops scattered among the residential houses, and there are more than eighteen mosques in them, the most important of which is the Lot Mosque, which is attributed to the Prophet Lot, peace be upon him. Among the monuments that still exist in the town until the present time are the remains of a high square-shaped wall with towers on the corners, perhaps one of the remains of the Roman fort. And in the village mosque is a tomb attributed to the Prophet Lot. The following phrase is inscribed on the stone plaque above the door of the shrine: “In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful. Renewed the architecture of the shrine of the Prophet Lot, the Sultan al-Malik al-Zahir Barquq, may God perpetuate his possession. ” Among the ruins that are still standing in the village until now are the remains of a high, square-shaped wall with a side length of nearly twenty meters, and a height of eight meters, with small windows on top, and on the corners of it are towers, and it is perhaps a remnant of the Roman fort. And in Al-Waqi’a Al-Filastini (p. 1490), Bani Naim contains “old buildings and architectural pieces in the village, the Mosque of the Prophet Lot. Other ruins, the most recent building, date back to the reign of al-Malik al-Zahir Barquq, and were built to prevent Bedouin raids on the town. The land area of ​​Bani Naim is 71,667 dunums, and its medium fertile lands are cultivated with grains and vegetables in the low-lying areas, valleys, and fruit trees in the slopes of the mountain slopes. The most important trees planted are olives, grapes, apricots, almonds and figs. Agriculture depends on rainwater that falls in sufficient quantities for cultivation and the growth of natural herbs. A boys' school was established in Bani Naim in the early British Black Era, and in 1942-1943 the school had its fourth primary class, and in the last year of the aforementioned period the school had five teachers, and the school has extensive agricultural lands of more than 180 dunums. After the catastrophe in 1948 AD, the school rose in its level to the end of the preparatory stage, and in 1966-1967 the school included 536 students in its elementary and preparatory classes, and a girls' school was established in the aforementioned year, which included 254 students. All of them are in primary school. In Bani Naim today, there are dozens of schools for all school levels for boys and girls. In the northeast of Bani Naim lies the Injasa plank, from which good stones are extracted for construction and exported abroad. Stones are also extracted from quarries located in us

  • Zezo Manasrh

    Zezo Manasrh


  • صهيب. ابو غيث.

    صهيب. ابو غيث.


  • Salah Tarayrah

    Salah Tarayrah


    Distinguished performance and continuous tender and confidence and security Bani Naim Insurance

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