Mizrahi Bank в חולון

ИзраильMizrahi Bank



🕗 время открытия

19, המשביר, חולון, IL Israel
контакты телефон: +972 76-804-0190
Веб-сайт: www.mizrahi-tefahot.co.il
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 32.0127704, Longitude: 34.8051549

Комментарии 5

  • גלית תבורי

    גלית תבורי


    Attitude and personal service. recommended

  • שריה תנעמי

    שריה תנעמי


    Bank in the Holon Industrial Area. There is a cash withdrawal device outside.

  • mooly sasson

    mooly sasson


    Always busy. Even when they are already serving, It is partial.

  • Chana Cohen

    Chana Cohen


    in honor of : The bank's director is paid for BB, Elul, 5768 in honor of : Ombudsman Greetings ! Subject: Disrespectful service and carelessness I am abroad because of public service between the countries for ten hours so it is very difficult to communicate with the bank. Anyway we are run by posts through their site. Because the telephone also does not allow communication hours because of the time difference and even when the caller waits long minutes on the line and at the end answers a clerk who gives the representative and no answer. But so far this is a service problem! And here is the main problem 1. I send a problem, for example, that before every message from the bank I would have received an email that I received a message from the bank so that I do not have to log into the account every day. And from what the service has stopped so that almost every few hours I have to log in through the site and waste my time. I sent a message to Ms. Zadok in charge saying every time she handled and did nothing. It was out of order. A few days ago I asked through the account to make a transfer and a transfer application was not performed. Unfortunately, I contacted personal banker Ms. Ricky or Rebecca and she made a transfer that I couldn't make on the site. To end the site owed and also the banker (at the same time it is a problem on their site) I mean with the transfer of 1,000 shekels charged me 2,000 which I turned to called a mistake they returned the money but the fee charged twice through both the site and the banker. When I contacted them the answer was your problem. Another thing I asked to transfer money from account to account and they ask for a promise to send a code to a cell phone I do not have in the country because I have been a resident abroad for several days persecuting them to confirm the transfer and they are simply abused and ignored. I asked to be transferred to Pelephone gave the country code and sent me a message that can be done short Worst service and Hthisot underestimated. So I have to ask a good friend to send through the cash bank in time. In addition to the branch manager Mrs Zadok call answering messages in you and in your phone to help you knowingly and unknowingly at different times that this method Despair client to fall. We will not talk about the high fees in the successful way - that is, fees and if he succeeded what is good.

  • Elad Hadad

    Elad Hadad



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