McDonald's в South District




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קניון פטרה ים המלח, Israel
контакты телефон: +972 52-944-0100
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 31.2007976, Longitude: 35.3635291

Комментарии 5

  • en



    Dear McDonalds, This is ridiculous. While I enjoy technology, I didn’t come here to place my own order for a $12 Big Mac meal. What are your employees doing at a register they aren’t using because I’m doing their job for them? This is not my idea of customer service and I won’t come back to a restaurant that makes me place, pend for McDonald’s advertising, and then process payment for my own order. I might as well cook at home for a fraction of the price. Fries were old and sad and our “custom” burger was missing the cheese, extra pickles and Big Mac sauce. Pathetic. Thanks, Not Lovin’ It

  • Bege Motik

    Bege Motik


    Hands down worst McD in my life. Huge crowd and mess. Everyone ignored me and I wasn't able to order. Maybe for the better

  • Heliis Nemsitsveridze

    Heliis Nemsitsveridze


    This ise the worst and thereby the most expensive McDonald's I've ever been to. Basic ingrediences were missing from the burgers (cheese, sauces, tomatoes, lettuce), the fries were old and were not warm and tasted like cardboard. We were not given straws, napkins, fork for the smallest amount If salad you could imagine. The kitchen is dirty and the employees arrogant. Going to a fast food chain such as McDonald's you didn't expect fine dining, but at the very least you look foward to a decen burger. Do yourself a favour and go to a local restaurant just over the hill or the cafe in the other mall.

  • en

    Paris Koumiotis


    Worst McDonalds where i’ve Ever been. 40 minutes to get the food. Sauces were missing in the hamburger. Everyone was served before me, even if I was in the front of the queue, even a friend of one of the employee was served before me and he didn’t paid of course. Really dirty inside the kitchen and even in the dining room. They forgot to gave me the simple necessary things that I needed, like napkins and straws (so the only 2 things that they had to remember to give me). Terrific.

  • en

    Danny Weiss


    Sheer horror! Do NOT go there! Even one star is too much! NOT ONLY WORLD'S LOWEST, BUT ALSO WORLD'S SLOWEST AND WORST Mc Donald's ! THIS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE! OrderIng food on the screen is a nightmare and takes forever! Lousily prepared and overpriced food, employees are incompetent and unfriendly. Chaotic management, dirty, this place is a dump, NEVER again! To Mc Donald's Israel management: Please close this place immediately, and open a new facility with new staff!

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