Honny's circle в Amirim

ИзраильHonny's circle



🕗 время открытия

115, Hahoresh Street, Amirim, Tzfat, IL Israel
контакты телефон: +972 52-698-9955
Веб-сайт: honny.co.il
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 32.9405609, Longitude: 35.4446036

Комментарии 5

  • Lily and Yuri Tarasula

    Lily and Yuri Tarasula


    Cute place, stunning views. Lovely hosts, clean, comfortable bed, cozy and fun bedding, very tasty breakfast! Fresh, home-cooked food, variety, homemade bread. Was a pleasant sorcerer to be hosted. Thank you very much 🥰 y

  • Mimi Levi

    Mimi Levi


    On behalf of the friends who were hosted last weekend 30.9 - 3.10 Highly recommend the Boutique Hotel "Circle of Honey" location with wonderful views. The place itself is cozy and special. Mostly would like to commend owners Dina and Roni for the hospitality, excellent breakfast and Dina's hot tips on where to hike were most helpful

  • Maya komarnitsky

    Maya komarnitsky


    Lovely place, warm attitude, amazing views!

  • Michael Kurlyand

    Michael Kurlyand


    Great place, very comfortable. Very beautiful. Our best recommendations.

  • David Fishbein

    David Fishbein


    Amirim is a gorgeous location and overlooks the "Kinneret" (Sea of Galilee). In general B&B's in Israel are never cheap. Value for money is hard to find but the beauty of the area kind of makes up for the cost. First, let me state that as far as Israeli domestic tourism is concerned, this establishment was "standard". "Standard" means that you do not get what you pay for. At more than $200.00/night , one could spend a night in a luxurious hotel anywhere in the world but in Israel, things are costly so that must be taken into account. What makes up for the price were the owners and their included breakfast. Both were fantastic. Now the facility: The hotel plays on the rustic and country like atmosphere which is very quaint. This is also very typical in Israeli B&Bs. I found the rooms and structure itself a bit neglected with little attention to details regarding upkeep. The outdoor wood patio and chairs were very weathered which means they were not coated with stain or laquer for along time and the sun has "killed" them. The key for domestic tourism is the Jacuzzi. The jacuzzi is the center of the universe for most Israeli B&Bs. This jacks the price up as well. I do not think the facility justifies the price but then again, this is a typical B&B (marketed as a little more high end) in the Israeli "Zimmer" market. I give them 4 out of 5 stars as they were very nice but the place looked and felt not well maintained. There is a fine line between the rustic and weathered look with a nostalgic genre and a place that is neglected...

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