Hillel Yaffe Medical Center в Hadera

ИзраильHillel Yaffe Medical Center



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Ha-Shalom Street, Hadera, Hadera, IL Israel
контакты телефон: +972 4-630-4304
Веб-сайт: hy.health.gov.il
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 32.451313, Longitude: 34.895778

Комментарии 5

  • Helen Mai

    Helen Mai


    The hospital is very nice and clean! My family has been 3 times inpatient treatments/surgery and few times emergency. We met very good doctors, nurses and staffs! They are very kind and nice to us. Especially children doctors, they're very gentle and carefully. They checked very carefully before make decision for treatments. We would like to thank you to doctors, nurses/staffs in children emergency and children department! They took care my daughter very good! The new building is have big entrance with fast food, gifts shop...in the front of this building is very nice green garden with lots of chair for staffs and patients hang out have a walk, drink, etc.for relax.

  • Gergana Dineva

    Gergana Dineva


    We've ended up in the emergency. The doctors and the nurses do a great job, they are in super stress, so given the situation, they were nice and professional, they really do whatever they can, which is the most important when it comes to healthcare. The medical equipment is very good, they have all the required devices for all basic and many highly specialized tests, which is fantastic! Still, the organization was problematic.The place is overcrowded, no distinction is made, at least from what I witnessed, in order to see if the incoming patients have COVID or no. It's also not very clean, and not well air-conditioned. The waiting is exhausting, many of the patients sit on chairs in the middle among others, because there are not enough beds, and the companies are usually standing, and that goes on for hours. They even lost the file of my husband in the middle of the day and found it accidentally... :) Still, the aim of the service is to take care of the suffering and the staff does it's job very well!

  • E Luria

    E Luria


    At the Phyciatric Ward the nurses (male and female) have a difficult job and do their best to be considerate and understanding. Osnat is a great head nurse & a shout out to Sivan who is always sweet. The place is always clean and the food unexpectedly good. The amazing way the staff dealt with the computer shut down was honestly impressive. Unfortunately the lacking stars are because the psychiatrist was arrogant and condescending when I was in pain and needed to be comforted, which is a big reason people end up there. 😔 It was bad for my moral every time I had to sit with him.

  • Max Krumholz

    Max Krumholz


    Mu town hospital getting bit not working MRi change me from October ton November dont tell me

  • Batia Redner

    Batia Redner


    Highly functioning ER and Imaging Institute. Staff outstandingly efficient, sympathetic and helpful. Surroundings clean and pleasant. Had an extraordinarily positive experience.

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